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Stacy's POV

Direct Pao, Gabby and I finally finished the contract signing with the callbacks and instructed them to show up starting next week for the shoots. We immediately went up to the pent to meet with the Chief and Ms. Hofstetter. We arrived at the pent and Direct Pao opened the Chief's door for Gabby and I to enter. Ms. Hofstetter was sitting on the Chief's chair and the Chief was standing beside her. The Chief gestured for me to prepare myself for an order storm and I immediately opened my notepad in anticipation.

"Stace, please contact the editor-in-chief of the Game Informer Magazine. Inform them that we have finalized the casts for the short film that they requested. Ask for Val's documents as well. I will be taking over her contract with them. Request for the design of the poster that they need for the film. Ask for the final cover of the next magazine that they will be publishing so that we could match its concept to the poster. We would have Graphics Team deal with that." She said in one breath. "Noted, Chief. When and where would you like this meeting to take place?" I asked her. "At Dione's, asap." She ordered. "Gabby will contact Dione for this short notice." She advised and Gabby followed accordingly.

I nodded and proceeded to make phone calls. "Hello?" Andrew Reiner answered the call that I made. "Good evening, Mr. Reiner. This is the Secretary of Director Kylie J. Stewart. We would like to invite you to a semi-formal meeting tonight at Dionella's Trofí. The Chief requests for all of Ms. Valerie Hofstetter's contracts with your company. Along with the posters for the short film that we are finalizing. We apologize for the short notice but we would deeply appreciate your immediate response to this invitation." I informed the editor in chief of the magazine. "Of course. Anything for Director Stewart. All will be ready and we will meet you there at around?" He asked. "22:00 sharp." I informed him. "Don't they close at that time exactly?" He asked. "We already made arrangements." I said as I saw Gabby nodded and gestured that Dione approved of the request. "We will be seeing you then." I informed Mr. Reiner. "Cheers!" He said and hung up.

Valerie's POV

"Wait, what?!" I asked. I am so overwhelmed about everything. "Why? Are you okay?" Kyle asked me. "You have a project with us and I didn't even know about this?!" I am questioning my existence now. "I honestly thought that you knew about this." She said. "Well, you thought wrong. Also, how are you gonna take over my contract with them?" I have been questioning my decisions now.

"Whatever discussion that Mr. Reiner and I will have, you will hear. You will be seated in the same table as everyone of us." She explained. "Okay." I just said. Am I making the right decisions? I haven't consulted with my family and friends about this. I am earning quite an amount of money from being an editor for GI, how am I gonna reach my goal if my salary changes? Also, the thought of working for her is way out of my league.

"Heyy." She said and brushed my hair off may face. "It's all gonna be okay. Whatever your decision will be, I will understand and accept it. I just wanna make sure that you consider your options and future, not just with my company but with me." She said in a very vulnerable voice. She caressed my face and kissed my forehead then pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back.

Gabriella's POV

"Sis, Dione wants us there by 21:00, so that she could speak terms with you." I told her. "For sure, we have 30 mins to lock up. Stace, if you please." Kylie gestured at Stace telling her to lead us all out of the room. "Val and I will meet you guys at Dione's." She added. I followed Stace out the door. "Make it quick, lovebirds." I teased them and ran towards the elevator.

"Are you riding with me or with Direct Pao?" I asked Stace. I felt the tension from Direct Pao. I felt like he wanted to take Stace with him. "I'm driving myself there. I believe that we might need our own rides to get to our own houses after this meeting." She said easing up the tension between Direct Pao and I.

I arrived at Dione's before everyone. "D!" I exclaimed as I saw her. "Gabby! I missed you so much." She hugged me. "Where's everyone?" She asked. "They'll be here in a few." I told her. "Well, I'll take you to the banquet so that you can have my people arrange seats to your liking." She led me to the banquet. "Thank you so much for accepting this sudden request of Kylie." I thanked her. "Anything for you both. It's always a pleasure to have you here. And it has been a while since I last saw you." Dione replied. "Yeah. It has been." I said and we walked towards the banquet.

"Do you have an idea what Kylie would like to be served for her meetings like this?" I asked. "She's done this before so I already extended people to cook for everyone. And I would cook the main dish myself. So everything is settled. You all just have to enjoy the night." She explained. "You're the best, D." I told her. "I'll leave this to you." She told me and gestured to the people that are arranging the banquet.

After a few minutes, we finished arranging the table and chairs. "Thanks everyone." I smiled at the crew and they walked towards the door of the banquet. As they exited, Stace and Direct Pao entered followed by Kylie and Valerie. "You've outdone yourself again, Sis." Kylie smiled at me. "I-uhm thanks?" I said. She never compliments things that I do for her. She chuckled in my confusion. "Ahh. I see that you followed my advice on taking care of my lonesome friend, Valerie." Dione entered the hall and smiled at Valerie. "I'm pretty much attached now, as you can see." Valerie replied to which made Kylie smile in a blush. "Told you she's a keeper." D winked at Kylie. And the latter rolled her eyes at the host. We all chuckled in amusement

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