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Valerie's POV

"Hey." I said to break the silence. She was just standing in front of me in silence for almost what seemed like 5 mins. "You okay?" I asked. She lifted her sunglasses to her hair and there I saw it again, those dreamy teal eyes. Now, I am the one in awe. She handed me the bag, "Here." I opened and checked what was inside, it's a camera not just any camera but the same one that I had, only fixed and brand new. I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks." I said in return.

"I wish I was the one holding the camera so that I can take a picture of how happy you look right now compared to the first time I saw you." She whispered it ever so silently but I still heard every word that she said. What did she mean when she said I was happier now compared to the first time she saw me? Did I look that miserable yesterday?

I looked down to hide my now flushed face taking the compliment in. "You have your camera replaced, I just wanted to know if you'd still come to dinner with me?" She asked politely. I looked at her her eyes and they looked like they were pleading for an answer favorable to their owner.

Kylie's POV

I was waiting yet again for an answer. Should I leave? I mean, she got what she wanted already so I guess this is goodbye. I looked like a creep pleading for her to come with. Why am I even doing this? What's with this woman? What's different from her and the others that I came all the way out here to deliver a camera replacement that wasn't my fault that got broken in the first place anyway?

"Yeah. I got nothing else to do tonight anyway." She finally answered. I was lost in my thoughts and I couldn't find a word to say. I just smiled like an idiot and motioned my head to the direction of my car. She nodded in approval. We walked to my car and I opened the door for her. She smiled in thanks. I closed her door and walked to the driver's.

Valerie's POV

Our drive was silent. It smelt like like lavender and cigarettes in her car. I just familiarized myself with the streets that we drove into, in case that this is actually me being kidnapped. "Hey, Val." She finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry I never got to introduce myself. My name is Kylie Stewart. Please just call me Kyle." She elaborated. "Why? What's wrong with Kylie?" I teased her. "Nothing. I just don't react to it that often. I didn't want to ignore you out of nowhere and not answer to your call just because I was called by my own name. It sounds stupid I know." She explained.

We continued in silence again. After a few minutes, we pulled over in front of a what seemed to be a Greek Restaurant. I should've dressed fancier if I knew that she was taking me here. But then again she wasn't dressed fancy so I guess I'll be okay. She came out of her door and as I was about to open mine, she was already there opening it for me. I have never experienced this before. Maybe chivalry isn't really dead after all.

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