Chapter One.

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The mind of a human can be wonderful yet so scary.
It's sad to get to the point where you fear your own mind.
Everyone says that one day all moments of sadness will make complete sense.
I don't understand how being sad will make sense on why you couldn't be happy.
Sometimes it will make you go crazy, sometimes it could make you totally insane where you can't control yourself anymore.
You wouldn't understand what I'm talking about if you have never been in this stage of life.
You may be wondering where I'm going with all of this.
Well, let me introduce myself.
I'm Ally-Jay Smith. Everyone calls me AJ instead. I have the casual blonde hair with brown eyes. Not exciting, huh?
I like sports and music mostly. I don't have many friends but it's all alright.
I have one friend though but he is practically a brother to me. His name is Noah. Noah Danle. He has medium length brown hair with ocean blue eyes.
I don't live with my parents because I got taken away by the children support people.
I now live with a foster family. Their names are Mary and Harry. I mainly stay with Noah though. He has his own apartment.
I'm not a very interesting person. I'm plain, just an everyday girl.
Walking the halls of school is challenging when you have no one to hold you.
Everytime I get to my locker I always wait for Noah. We ditch school early every once in a while.
"Hey, AJ!" I hear Noah call. I turn around to see him waving at me while he was walking towards me. Once he reaches infront of me I close my locker and we walk to the exit. Noah looks around before we burst through the door to escape.
We keep running while laughing too. Eventually we stop when we know were safe.
"Finally, what do you want to do?" I ask through breaths.
He shrugs his shoulders then pulls out a cigarette. He lights it, blows out smoke and smiles.
"Let's go any place you want to go." He cracks a half smile. I let out a laugh and start to walk. Noah soon follows.
"Starbucks. I know, classic white girl." I say shaking my hands In the air. Noah said that everytime I suggest to go there.
He playfully punches my shoulder.
He passes me a cigarette then lights it for me. I know, smoking is bad. We are at the legal age now anyway.
"So you want to go?" I ask moving to Noah's side, nudging it with hope that he will say yes.
"Hmm," he mumbles. "Sure, let's go." He took my hand and we ran towards his car.
As we drove off we heard our principle yell out our names to come back. We just laughed it off.
Noah blasted the music through the speakers. Lip singing to every word. I just laugh at him. He always knew how to make me smile no matter how I feel or what the situation is.
He turned the car off and handed me the keys.
"We are here!" He says then gets out. I follow him and lock the door behind me.
We race each other inside to the counter.
"Welcome to Starbucks, what is you order?" The nice lady asks. She was smirking at Noah.
"Uhh, for me I'll just have a regular hot chocolate and for you?" Noah trails off looking into my direction.
"Oh, sorry uh just a regular cappuccino." I say, bouncing off a smile.
She's nods her head then smiles slightly.
"Names?" She asks grabbing the cups out.
"Noah for the hot chocolate and AJ for the cappuccino." Noah mumbles while paying for the drinks. She walks off to the drink machine.
Noah moved over to where we collect the drinks and I went to sit at a table.
After a long time waiting we here our names get called. Noah walked over to the lady, took the drinks and headed for my directions. He passed me my drink while sitting down.
Taking a sip of the wonderful cappuccino, I let out a sigh after.
"You okay, AJ?" He asks clapping In front of my face. I was lost in so much thought of things that I didn't realise i was blankly starring at Noah.
I smile at him and nod. "Yeah, all good." I carry on.
It was so hard to talk to Noah about these type of stuff because I knew he didn't understand. I'm not suicidal or anything like that I just, I'm a deep thinker. Always have been, probably always will be. I think about everything and over think stuff. It makes me sad and causes me to believe that I'm insane. That's why I fear my mind sometimes. One thought leads to another and the next thing you know my head is so loud.
"So how's Evie?" I ask changing topic.
Evie is Noah's girlfriend. Has been for the past 8 months. They have never met so it's practically an online dating thing but Noah never calls it that. To him it's just one of those long distance relationships.
"She's good. She is moving in with her brother now because her parents are fighting constantly or something." His facial expression changes into a weird confused look.
I nod my head after putting my drink down.
"Finished?" Noah asks as he threw his in the bin next to him.
"Yeah," I say then pass it to him so he could throw it away for me.
I stand up and walk out the door. The cold air hit my face which caused me to shiver.
I felt two hands on my shoulder. I jumped then turned around just to see Noah.
He was laughing at me.
"It's not funny!" I whine. A smile came across my face at the sight of Noah. He was holding his stomach and laughing.
"Yes, yes it was!" He says between laughs.
"You know how I get scared so easily." I say punching his shoulder playfully.
His laughs turns into small chuckles as he puts an arm around me.
I look up at him. Tears in his eyes from laughter.
"Oh AJ, you are seriously one of a kind. I love you so much."
After his sentence he continues to laugh.
This kid, I love.

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