Chapter Twenty Three.

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*time skip*

I'm 22 now. I haven't talked to Noah since one week before my 19th birthday. It's been hard but I'm use to it. Of course I miss him but not as much as when it first happened.
I got a new tattoo. It was from a story my birth mother had written for me to open on my 16th birthday. I never read it until last year. One of the lines stood out to me. It became my favourite.
I only got one of the lines from the paragraph. 'Falling hearts' tattooed on my right shoulder.

The full paragraph is;

"Have you ever wondered who could love you?" I ask leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I know someone who does and I know someone who loves you." He replies leaning his head on top of mine.
"Your heart must be falling for someone just like how mine is." he says shaking is arm around my shoulder.
"Both of our hearts must be falling for each other." I say looking at him with a smile.
"Falling hearts." He says then kisses me.

I'm engaged to Carter and have a kid due in three months. It's a boy. We are going to name him Xavier. Xavier Lanéts.
AJ Lanéts. It sounds so weird. AJ Danle.
No, I can't think of that.
My step parents weren't happy that I got pregnant. They actually stopped talking to me because of it. of Faith will be the Aunty of my child. She isn't blood related to me but she is practically a sister.
We moved to have our own last Autumn.
My life has worked out perfectly actually. It would be better with Noah but it's all going good.
I've become a famous music writer.
Everything is going okay.
"Hey love, do you want to do something today?" Carter asks passing me a pillow. I look up at him. He promised he wont change and I'm so glad he hasn't.
"Sure. Starbucks?" I smile at him then grab his hand to stand up. I never imagined being pregnant would be so much trouble but it is.
I walk outside and wait for Carter.
The fresh air was cold. Winter will be coming in a couple of days as wells as my 23rd birthday.
I felt a pair of hands go on my waist. I jump and turn around fast. Of course I knew it was Carter but it still startled me. I still get scared easily.
"Darling, it's okay. It's just me." He says between laughs.
I punch his shoulder playfully. "C'mon, let's just go." I walk over to the car and we both get in.
"I'll go in and order then bring it out for you. You know, so it won't be trouble for you. " I nod my head look out the window.
I couldn't stop smiling at what my life has now become. After 19 years of bad it's finally becoming good.


"Here you go." Carter says passing me my drink. I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.
"Can we just chill in the car for a while?" I ask putting my drink in the cup holder.
"Yeah, sure."
I take my seatbelt off and put my hands on my tummy. I'm in so much pain.
I close my eyes and tilt my head back.
"Darling, are you okay?" Carter asks putting his hand on my tummy.
"Yeah, yeah just. Im okay." I say sitting up and turning to him. I smile.
"I love you. You do know that?" Carter puts a hand on my cheek.
"Yeah, I know. I love you too." I say then look out the window.
This is the same Starbucks I shared many memories with Noah and now Carter.
My phone vibrates and I look at who is calling.
I answer then put the phone to my ear.
"Hello." I say leaning my head against the window.
"Where are you?" She sounds really worried.
"I'm at Starbucks with Carter. We are sitting in our car. Why?" I'm confused. She never sound this worried or scared.
"Give him the phone." She says. It sounded like a demand instead of a simple sentence.
I pass Carter the phone. His face instantly turns into worry.
"We will be there soon." Carter says the hangs up. He passes me my phone then starts the car.
"What is it? What's wrong?" I ask putting my seatbelt back on. He starts to drive really fast.
"Slow down. Pregnant woman here." I say pointing to my bump.
He ignores me and pulls up In front of Faiths house.
"Just don't ask any questions." Carter says while getting out. He comes over to my side and helps me out.
We walk straight in to the sight of Faith pacing around her lounge room. As soon as she sees me she stops and comes over to me.
She places her hands on my upper arms.
"Are you alright? You're Okay? Did anything happen? Did you see anyo-" I stop her by holding my hand up.
"I'm fine. I just don't know what's going, wait. Did I see anyone?" I look over to Carter. He looks afraid.
"Who is here?" I say looking back at Faith then Carter.
They both have the same expression.
"As I just said, Who is here?"
They both still ignore me.
"It's Noah. Isn't it?" I say looking at Faith. I hear Carter walk out.
"Yes, but you can't see him." She says gripping onto my upper arms.
"Why can't i?" I ask trying to get out of her grip but she grips harder.
"We are all afraid that you will.." She looks down. I make her look back at me.
"That I will what?" I ask with a confused look.
She takes in a deep breath then let's it out before she speaks.
"That you will fall in love with him again."

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