Chapter Nineteen.

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It's been four months since that night with AJ and Evie. I've changed. Not really appearance wise but I'm a mess. I'm staying with an old high school friend, Jack. He is one of those people who bring a different girl home every night. I can't judge because lately I've been doing that. I get drunk to forget about AJ. I stay out partying to feel less lonely.
I'm so heart broken over AJ even though I was the one who hurt her. Every night I always think about what I have done. I can't take being without her.
"Hey Noah." Jack says walking out of his room which was right next to the kitchen. Even though I have a massive hangover I'm still drinking beer. I smile weakly then see a girl walk out the front door. I wonder why she would be leaving in the middle of the night. Most of them leave late morning.
"What's up?" He asks while walking over to the fridge.
"Nothing really." I shrug as I took a sip of my beer.
The awkward silence fills the room. I try to brake it by saying something I haven't clearly thought through.
"Jack, I think I'm gonna go back home." I look at him. His expression was surprised.
"How come? Are you sure you want to go back there?" He asks sitting down next to me.
"I need to sort things out with someone." I say then stand up and walk to my room. Jack said something but I didn't catch it.
I grab my suite case and start to pack everything. I pick my phone up and turn it on. My screen saver was still of me and her. The last text I ever got from her said,
'don't ever come back.'
I have to now. I need to.
I call a taxi then say bye to Jack. I go outside and sit on the curb until the taxi arrives. I go through old messages of mine and AJ's to pass time. It's one of those things where it tortures you but you want to feel that happiness again.
The thunders loud but luckily it's not raining. I hate rain now. It's makes me think of AJ. Dammit, everything makes me think of her. I need to get over her but I can't. It's too hard.
The taxi arrives and I get in.
I can't wait till I see her.


I get out of the bus and walking to the start of her drive way. The sun is shining in my face. Even though it's the early afternoon, it's too early to deal with this. This street brings back too many memories.
The flight was fast. Mainly because I slept the whole way but the times I was awake all I could think of was AJ. How when she see's me she may be happy.
I take a deep breath and walk up to the front door. I hesitate to knock but I know if I don't do it now I never will.
I wait for a bit until the door swings open. I must of got the wrong house. AJ must of moved There, a girl stood. She had long brown hair that was pulled into a messy bun. She wore a lot of make up around her eyes. A nose and ear piercing. Also a tattoo of birds on her collar bone. She was wearing a maroon shirt top with a black skirt and black high heels. This can't be AJ. She doesn't wear those type of stuff.
"Sorry, I think I got the wrong house." I say then hold on to my suite case. Before I could turn around she said something quietly.
I look back her and she smiles. I swear I've never seen this girl before. If I have, I seriously don't remember.
"Noah.." She whisper. My body filled with shock as I realise who it is. It's AJ. It looks nothing like her though. AJ had light pink hair and was a lot more pale. She never wore make up and she hated the idea of having piercings or tattoos on her.
"AJ.." I say then let go of my suite case. She shook her head then looked down.
"I go by Ay now. I have for a while." She looks happy but sad at the same time.
I can't stop smiling. I pull her in for a hug. We stand there for a while. I step back and take in all her looks.
"You've changed." I say looking down at her wrists. On her right was a semi colon and on her left was a heart beat.
"Yeah, I guess I have. Want to come in?" She asks moving to the side for me. I walk in then follow her to her bedroom. This house hasn't changed one bit.
I sit down on the chair across from her bed.
"How come you got those tattoos and piercings?" I ask pointing to her wrists.
"Oh um, my mother died two weeks ago in hospital. This one was her last two heart beats before she died. The semi colon," she pauses then points to the tattoo. "Is what reminds me to keep on going in life. The birds are to remind me I'm free and I just wanted some piercings." She looks up at me and frowns. "What are you doing here?" She asks with a hint of hurt in her voice. I shrug my shoulders. "I want to be with you. I love you AJ. I mean Ay." I place my hand on her knee. She stands up and walks over to her window.
"I don't love you anymore. I got over you since you never loved me." She fiddles with her hands. She always did that when she felt bad.
I walk over to her then hug her from behind. She gets out of my grip and faces me.
"No, I love you. I want to be with you more than anything. I know how you feel about love. I know how you are scared of it. " I felt my stomach drop. I was so nervous.
She will never be convinced that I love her.
"Noah.." She stops then looks me in the eyes before continuing. "I have a boyfriend." My heart just broke. I felt as if someone just had stabbed me right in the chest.
"He should be here any minute. You can stay here if you want, I'm going to be gone for a couple of hours." She walks out the door. I look out of the window and see him leaning against his car. His tall. Taller than me. As AJ approached him his smile grew and he embraced her while kissing her fore head. They got in the car and drove off.
I knew in that moment that I had just lost my entire world.

A/N: The photo is the updated version of AJ. :)

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