Chapter Nine.

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It has been two weeks. She still haven't woken up. I've been going crazy with out her. Tay has flown back to Orlando. He only left early because he didn't like seeing AJ in this state. I hate seeing her like this too but I couldn't bare being away from her for so long.
I haven't left the hospital since that day that he first came in.
I only have 4 more days. If she doesn't wake up then they will turn the machines of.
The thought of it made me cry. I look down to the ground. I see my tears fall on the ground. I feel so weak and numb. It doesn't matter how I feel though. It matters how she feels. I wish I could replay that day. I would hold her closer then ever and never let her go. It's my fault. It's all my fault. If I never let her leave then she would be lying on that hospital bed. It's all my fault.
"Noah..." I hear a soft familiar voice. I look up and see AJ. She looks tired. All worn out.
I smile so widely.
"AJ. You're alive." I whisper then stand up to hug her. I miss her hugs. I missed everything about you.
"What's happened?" She says while wiping her eyes. I look into them. The same shade of brown. I took her hand.
"You've been in coma for three weeks. Nearly four." I whisper and tilt my head.
"How long have you been here?" A slight smile comes to her.
"Ever since the day you got hit." I whisper.
She looked more beautiful then ever.


As soon as I woke up I saw Noah by my side. His hair was all messy. I looked at my hands. Needles stuck in them as well as my arm. One was in plaster. One of legs are too.
"Noah..." I say quietly. His head shoots up. He looked so relieved.
"AJ. You're alive." His voice was so quiet. He stands up then hugs me.
"What's happened?" I was so confused with everything. I wipe my eyes from the tiredness.
"You've been in coma for three weeks. Nearly four." At that sentence I felt shocked. Scared. It feels like I've only been asleep for five minutes.
"How long have you been here?" I ask as a slight smile came upon my face.
"Ever since the day you got hit." He whispered.
"What happened to me?" I couldn't remember a thing. It's been so long.
"You were on the road for some reason. A car hit you. Nothing major I guess. You broke your leg and arm. You had a cut on you head from a rock or something." He held my hand. Some memories of that came back.
"One thing that has been puzzling me was why you were on the road?" He spoke with such sadness.
"Everything hit me. When you were angry at me I became angry and upset with myself. All the bad things in my life had came back and hit me. I fell and started crying. I didn't realise I was on the road." I feel numb. I don't feel anything except numbness.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He looked down. I felt the awkwardness rise. I don't want anything bad to happen between us. I can't lose him.
"How long have you been here?" I ask. Noah tilted head in confusion.
"You have already asked that." He say putting on a more serious face ,
"No I haven't." I start to panic. I feel my palms getting sweaty.
"Do you know what the year is?" He puts his hand on top of mine.
I shake my head as a no. The person by my side looked worried.
I feel my heart racing. I'm starting to forget.
"Do you remember who I am?" His facial expression has suddenly became sad.
"No!" I yell and take my hand away. I scoot away from him. I hold my arm up In front of me for protection. I don't know who he is and I don't know who I am.
I start to scream when I feel his hand on my leg.
A nurse comes rushing in.
"What's wrong?" I was too scared to answer.
"When she woke up she remembered everything. Who I was, who she was and what had happen. Then suddenly she forgot. She doesn't know me anymore." The boy said. His eyes filled up with tears.
"She has amnesia." The nurse whispered.
"Will she ever remember?" The boy asks.
"Maybe, one day."
All eyes were on me. I felt so crazy, insane.
"Do you remember your name?" The lady asked me. I was too frightened to speak.
I held my breath then let out a sigh.
"Is it Jen?" I ask. I have no idea what my own name is. I hope this is a phase.
"No, it's AJ." She walks out.
Once I heard my name a few memories came back. One of them was when I was at Starbucks laughing with... the boy who is sitting next to me.
I look over at him. He had blue eyes, messy brown hair. He was quite tall even though he was sitting. He looked so tired.
"I'm sorry that I forgot you." I whisper under my breath. His eyes shot at my direction. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward.
"I'm going to help you remember." He smiled. A dimple only showing on his right cheek. His smile was one that was contagious.
"Thank you." I whisper cracking a smile at the end.

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