Chapter Five.

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay over?" Tay asks me before I get out of his car.
I nod my head and smile at him. "Thanks anyway." I get out and head for the front door. I hear Tay drive away. As I entered my house I hear Mary yelling. I close the door and try to get to my room before they spot me.
"Ally-Jay Smith. Where have you been?" Mary says grabbing onto my shoulder.
"Out with a friend." I respond turning to face her. She lowers her arm. Her facial expression was so angry.
"It's nearly midnight!" She screams in my face. I stumble back in fright of her.
"I'm 18! You have no power over me anymore!" I yell back then run up to my room. Quickly locking it. I drop my bag to the floor. I take out my hair dye I bought today. Candy floss pink.
I've always loved this colour so I decided to dye my hair like this.
I open the door and check that Mary isn't there. I sneak into the bathroom and lock it.
I do everything you need to do for hair dying. When I finished dying my hair my phone rings. It was Noah.
"Hello." I say hoping a it wasn't Evie. I couldn't hear anyone. "Hello?" I repeat.
"Oh sorry, Hey AJ." It was Noah. I was relieved.
"Yeah, what do you want?" The way I said it sounded mean. I don't mean to sound that way.
"I want to talk to you." I heard Evie laughing in the background. I let out a little groan knowing that she was there.
"So what are you doing?" I ask to try to keep the conversation going. Silence filled over the phone.
"Noah?" I started getting angry. If he called me then he should talk.
"Yes?" He responds late. Again.
"Bye" I say then hang up.
It frustrates me now that Evie is there. Noah wouldn't even talk to me.
Half and hour passes by and I can now wash my hair and dry it.
I look in the mirror to see the end result. I loved it.
I called Tay and asked him to pick me up so we could go out some where.
When I got outside Tay was there. I got in and his eyes went wide.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Your hair. It's really nice." He cracks a smile then starts to drive.
I laugh a bit then smile.
"Where do you want to go?" He asks me while turning the radio down.
"The mountains. The ones just outside of town."
I rest back and wait for the drive to end.
"Jay, were here." Tay whispers while shaking my leg. My eyes shot open. I get out of the car and so does Tay.
"How come you wanted to come up here?" Tay asks me as he laid down on the hood of the car. He put his knees up. Tay looked over to me and motioned me to lay next to him. So, I did.
"Look up." I say and we looked up at the same time.
The whole sky was filled with stars. It was beautiful.
"When I was around 15 I would come here alone at 3am or later." I start. I take in the beauty of the sky. "The moment I would spend here is the only time I felt sane." I whisper. I felt Tay slip his hand in mine.
"It makes me feel so small." His voice trembled.
"My mum always told me 'Stare into the starry sky and let your mind wonder. Remind yourself that it is all okay.' "
I look over to Tay. His breathing slowed down. He was still starring at the sky.
I knew he was questioning everything. I could tell by the way he looked.
"Are you okay?" I ask leaning up on my elbows. He turned to me and sat up.
It looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't know how to put it.
I sat up next to him and pulled him in for a hug.
Sometimes a hug is all someone needs to be fixed.
He started to cry. Tay pulled away from the hug.
"Ive felt so alone." He wiped his eyes and looked back up at the stars. I placed a hand on his back.
"When I moved I never gained any friends. Every night I stared at the moon because I knew someone was looking back at it." I felt tears start to roll in my eyes.
"I'm here now." I whispered leaning my head into the crook of his neck. "I'm here." I repeated but quieter.
It went silent. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was like the silence I shared with Noah. It was comfortable.
My eyes look up to see his face.
"Your looking at the moon like it's the only thing you have left." I say taking my head off his shoulder.
"Sometimes it feels like it all I have." He turns to face me. We had a little stare. I felt myself blush and I looked away.
Tay quickly placed a kiss on my cheek. I didn't get mad. I didn't feel anything. I was happy but I wasn't in love. I don't love people in a romantic way. I'm too afraid to love like that again.
"Tay.." I say holding my hand up to my cheek.
"Jay.." He says in a slight mocking way. I turn and face him. I push him softly on the shoulder. I wrap my arms around him. I feel his arms snake around my waist. I could smell his cologne. I wish it was Noah though but it doesn't matter.
Right now matters.

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