Chapter Seven.

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I turn over to find Noah sound asleep. I realise that I must have fallen asleep at Noah's. A smile had came on my face at the sight of him. Last night came back to me. I confessed my love for him and confessed his love for me. I don't take love well. It's one of those things that doesn't collide with me.
A slight groan escapes from Noah. He battered his eyes open and looked at me. A smile came from his lips.
"Good morning" he says then wraps an arm around me. He starts to place with my hair.
I'm not use to this.
"I should go home." I say then sit up. A sad look was placed onto his face.
"Stay here." He whispers then pulls me to lay down next to him. Noah pulled me close to him. I start to feel scared and very uncomfortable.
"Noah.." I start to say before he placed a hand over my mouth. I take it away so I can finish what I needed to say.
"We can't be together." I mumble out. I look into his eyes. They suddenly filled with pain.
He had lost hope. Lost it because of my fear.
"Oh," he say quietly. He takes his arms off me and moves away slightly.
I gave a look of confusion.
"You know how I feel towards love." I whisper. This happens every time I find love. I always fall. I fall away from the person.
"I think you're right." He mumbles. I sit up and give a look of concern.
He rolls over so I couldn't see his face anymore.
"What do you mean?" I say as I put a hand on his arm. He flicks it off.
"Noah?" I lean over to see his face. Tears were coming out of his eyes. Staining his face.
"You should go home." He says coldly. It felt like a knife had just pierced my heart. I get up and grab my coat and put my shoes on.
"Bye." I say then leave his room and lead myself to the front door. It was snowing so I had to make it home fast. My house was a half an hour walk away from his.
I step out and start to walk down the path.
Everything hit me in that moment. All my sadness, feeling, pain, guilt and regrets. Every single thing had come rushing back into my mind.
Tears started to come out. I started to run but my vision was blurry. I stopped and fell to the ground. Crying. As I place my head on the drown I felt a sharp pain. I sat up and touch my forehead. Blood. I out my hands over my face. I hate crying because once i start i never stop. People say that it's good to cry. I felt too weak to stand. I felt so.. Broken but nothing was wrong. I have no reason to be sad. I felt so selfish. I felt as if I made everything so sad on purpose. I can't help being sad. Sometimes the sadness is comforting.
A car horn was beeping so loud. I turned around to see it coming straight at me. I didn't realise that I had I fallen down on the road.i thought I was fallen on the footpath. Suddenly blackness surrounded me.


"Where is she?" I yell walking up to the hospital information desk. I knew she shouldn't of left. I had a horrible feeling about something going bad.
"Where is AJ?" I scream even louder.
I had tears streaming down my face. I was a reck. After I heard the accident outside my house on my street I rushed out to see a car stopped in the middle of the street. The snow was slightly red. My first thought was AJ. I had ran over to the car to see her unconscious with a man leaning over her in shock. I blew my mind off. The ambulance had came and took her. I straight away got dressed and drove as fast as I could to the hospital.
"She is currently in surgery. Please take a seat in the waiting room." A nurse said as she grabbed my shoulder. I flicked it off as soon as I felt her hand on me.
"Let me see her." I cry out. I wanted to be with her now.
"I'm afraid you can't. Now please take a seat in the waiting room." She directed me to the room. As I sat down I put my head in my hands with my elbows leaning on my thighs. How could this happen. Why was she on the road in the first place?
She didn't look to damaged. It looked like her leg was broken as well as her arm. It didn't look so bad. She was bleeding though. I'm not too sure where from. There wasn't so much blood. Oh gosh, I just hope she survives.
I can't go on if she doesn't. AJ is seriously my life. My world. If I lost her id have nothing to live for. She'd take part of me and I could never forgive myself for that. All I can do right now is cry. I blame myself. I shouldn't of let her go. I shouldn't of.
"Noah Danle?" My head shoot up and straight to the nurse at the door. I stand up and wipe my hands on my jacket.
"Yes, yes that's me. Yes?" I say so nervously. My heart was racing and I couldn't bare the wait no longer.
"AJ is out of surgery, she is recovering. She will be spending around three weeks in hospital. She just has a broken leg and arm. Few bruises on her back and a small cut on her head. Nothing too seriously. The cut wasn't caused from the hit. She must of hit it on a small rock or something when she fell. Everything for now seems positive." She looked up from her clip board and gave me a reassuring smile. I can't smile in this situation.
"Can I see her now?" I whisper loud enough so only she could here me.
She shook her head as a no. "She is in the recovery ward right now. You will be able to see her in an hour or so."
My heart drops at the wait. She walks away. I sit back down on the chair.
I take my phone out and see a text from Evie.
'Noah I miss you. I love you so much. Please, take me back.'
I sigh at the last words. I can't take her back. Not now anyway.
I love AJ. I love her hair as the shade of pink. I love her brown eyes. I love the way she curls her fingers when she laughs a lot. I love every little thing about her.
I love AJ more than I could imagine.

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