Chapter Four.

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"AJ, meet Evie." Noah says motioning towards the girl next to him. She looks nothing like she does in her photos. In the photos her hair looks brown, now it looks red. Her eyes look more hazel than green. She was a little shorter than Noah.
I awkwardly smile and hold my hand out for her to shake.
"Hey, nice to meet you." I say, trying to keep my smile on.
"Hello." Her Italian accent was strong but easy enough to understand.
She gave me a smile then turned back to Noah. Her hand was intertwined with his. She looked so happy but Noah looked guilty.
Everything was so awkward.
"So, what shall we do first?" Evie asks rocking back and forth on her feet.
I shrug my shoulders. Evie's and I attention turns to Noah. We were depending on him to know what to do.
"Video games?" He ask putting up his free hand. I smiled and nodded. He knew exactly what I wanted.
"No, I don't like them." Evie replies sharply. A look of disgust at the idea Noah had put out.
"Well, what do you want to do?" I say trying to hide the annoyance.
"I want to do something with Noah, alone." She raises an eyebrow. I turn my attention over to Noah.
"Okay then. Ill just go." I turn around and start to walk home. I hear Noah call out my name but I ignore him. If Evie wants to have Noah all to herself, I understand.
I take out my phone and call Tay.
"Hey Jay! What's up?" He sounded so happy to hear my voice.
"Hey, nothing really. Just calling to see if you wanted to hang out." A laughed escaped me at the end.
"Yeah sure! Weren't you going to hang out with Noah and his girlfriend though?"
"I was going to but plans kinda changed."
"Meet at the mall. I'll be there in ten."
With that he hung up the phone.
I went to the mall and waited for Tay. I was meeting him inside of Starbucks. I ordered my drink and sat at the table for him.
"Hey Jay!" I hear someone call out to me. It was Tay. I stand up and walk over to him. He ordered his drink. So while we were waiting he asked me what happened with my plans with Noah and Evie. I told him everything.
"Wait. Say it again." Tay says with paying for his drink.
"Evie hates me I guess." I turn to face him then take a sip of my drink.
"How do you know?" He asks looking directly into my eyes. His eyes were so full of life and happiness.
"I could see by the way she was so close to Noah. She wouldn't let go." I look down and play with my hands. Tay puts his on top of mine. He could see that I was nervous and scared.
"Don't worry about her." He whispers, assuring me that everything will be fine. I felt myself smile at the sound of him saying that. Tay was the only one who knew what I was like. He knew that I thought and questioned a lot. He knew because he is the same as me except he doesn't get sad over it.
He never does.
"Sometimes I think I'm crazy, you know. So insane." I mumble while running my fingers over his knuckles. I looked up to face him.
"Everyone is crazy. Even the ones who think they are normal. Their crazy but they don't know it yet." Those words that he spoke made sense. No matter who, life at one point they will brake and go crazy.
I nod my head in agreement with what he said.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at it. A text from Noah.

'Im sorry about Evie.'

I let out a sigh and ignore his text.
"Are you okay, Jay?" Tay asks me.
"Yeah," I start. I nod my head. "I'm okay, Tay. I'm okay."
I gave a smile for him to believe that I am okay. I am I just don't like Evie really.
I usually like everyone because I don't find any reason to not like people. There is just something about her that I don't like. I don't know what it is exactly.
"Come, let's go." Tay says as he stood up. He reached out his hand for me. I took it and stood up next to him. As we walked out I saw Noah and Evie at a table near the entrance. I ignored them and kept walking next to Tay. As we got out I put my jacket on due to the cold weather.
"Where are we going?" I ask Tay as we got in his car.
"The secret park." He responds quickly. He looked at me with a smirk then started driving.
"Wait, the park Noah, you and I always use to go to?" I say with a lot more excitement. He nods slowly. All the memories came back from when we were younger.
There was a park behind an abandoned hotel just out of the town. Us three use to go there all the time.
"I miss those day." Tay whispers while stopping at the lights.
"I don't, i miss the memories."

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