Chapter Twenty Eight.

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*three years time skip*

Life is good and by good I mean better than ever. I married Noah over a year ago and I have a healthy child who is nearly two. Her name is Alexia. I haven't talked to Faith properly since I found out about Carter but I did find out that she is now pregnant and married with Carter. For a very long time I though I could never be happy again. The tunnel was so dark that a candle couldn't light it but when Noah came along it became bright again. Noah holds my happiness. I know you shouldn't put your happiness in someone but I don't have happiness. I was never happy until I met him. That's why when I was with him I didn't want to believe I wasn't happy.
"Mommy," Alexia cries while holding her hands up for me. I lean over and pick her up. She drops her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around me. Alexia defiantly took after her father. She has his deep blue eyes, brown hair and cheeky grin.
Noah walks out of the bathroom, still drying his hair. When he finishes he drapes it around his neck.
"I love you both." I smile at him and kiss his cheek. He places a kiss on Alexia's head. She giggles which makes us laugh. Noah tickles Alexia, she wriggles around in my arms while laughing. Her sweet laugh reminds me of Noah's. Innocent but guilty.
"Time for bed, princess." Noah says while giving her a frown face. He takes her from my arms and walks to her room. I walk to the lounge room, looking around at the hanging frames. They all held so many memories.
There where photos of Noah and I when we were still in high school.
I smiled, running my fingers over them. I never pictured my life to turn out this way.
I never thought happiness would come back to me. I never thought I'd have a beautiful family with Noah.
Even being with Noah has me so happy but to have a family with him makes everything so much more better.
As if I'm in my own little world, Noah snakes his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him, a childish grin on his face that still makes me heart clench. I don't think I could ever get sick of loving him.
"I'm just where I want to be." He murmured. I nodded in agreement, looking over at Alexia, a smile instantly meeting my lips.
Things did change, a lot. But I guess everything was worth it to get us here, I turn back to Noah, who had already been looking at me, his eyes lustful and a cheeky smirk playing on his lips. I lean over and place a quick teasing kiss on his warm cheek.
Noah frowns, "is that all I get?" He jokingly pouts, his arms tightening around my waist as he brings us even closer. I laugh, "yes, that's all you get."
"I hate you."
I raise my eyebrows at him, amused. "You do? Looks like we're going to have to get a divorce." I played along, plucking his fingers off me as I stood up, fighting back a grin.
Before I could walk away, he instantly jumps up and spins me around, not wasting a second as he pulls me in for a chaste kiss on the lips. "Yeah, but when I hate you I still love you. Plus you're a really good kisser so that's a bonus. Like I said, I'm exactly where I want to be." He smiles.
I am too.
I know I said this before but never in a million years had I thought I would've gotten this far in life with Noah and our own child, even. And in this moment, everything seemed perfect. There has been too many days that I've been hurt over this and it's all finally starting to become okay. Everything's okay.
"Are you sad still?" Noah asks me, walking closer.
"Oh, the sadness will always stay but as long as you're here, I'm okay." I smile, looking down then back at him.
"I'm sorry for all the times I left." He says while walking closer to me.
"If you didn't leave we wouldn't be together, like this, today." I say scanning through my memories of the months he was gone. They were extremely hard but worth it, if this was the result.
I wrap my arms around him and lean my head on his shoulder. He kisses my neck while pulling me closer.
"Noah, no.." I laugh trying to pull away, knowing exactly where this will lead to. We're face to face and he is doing a frowns face.
"I love you but not tonight." I whisper then ruffle his hair. He twirls the ends of mine which made me relax a bit. I look into his eyes, the eyes that give me everything I need.
I take my arms off him and start walking to the bathroom so I can take off my make up.
"Baby, don't go." He grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. I give him a kiss and he kisses back. A man of beautiful ways to make me feel special.
"I absolutely love you." I mumble then lean my head against his chest.
"I love you too."
We stand silent in eachother arms and that was enough. I was complete, never to be broken again by anything- or anyone.
His heartbeat was the rhythm which my converted to.
"Your heart must be falling." He whispers, I can feel his lips brush across my ear.
"Both of our hearts must be falling." I say back, knowing what he will say next.
"Falling hearts." He says then kisses me.

A/N: this is a kinda short chapter but this is the last one. I may create a second book but I may not because I probably wouldn't finish it. Thank you for the reads.
AJ and Noah has always been my favourite couple. This is my favourite book I've ever written.
Have a good day/night!!
Bye :)
Credits : Helenox JohnsonFtMendes

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