Chapter Seventeen.

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It's been four weeks since I left AJ. I'm back with Evie. As in a relationship.
AJ hasn't called or texted. I'm only with Evie to get my mind of AJ. I know that is a bad thing to do but my feelings for AJ are too wild and I can't control them. It's annoying me so dam much. I guess you can hate me now because I'm with someone I don't love. Every minute that passes all I want is to be next to her.
I wonder how she is doing.
"Are you okay?" Evie asks snapping me out of thought.
I nod and smile. Right now were in the backyard laying down looking at the stars. I only wanted to do this because it reminded of the times I spent with AJ up in the mountains.
I turn to face Evie. She is a really beautiful girl but she doesn't beat AJ.
I have to stop thinking about her. Damn it.
"You never told me why you wanted to move here exactly." She sits up and faces me. I look away. I can't tell her I have feelings for AJ.
"I wanted a new start I guess." I say leaning up on my elbows.
"What about your friend, uhh." She says clicking her fingers trying to remember her name.
"AJ?" I ask knowing that she will say yes. She was my only friend. Was. Now I don't really have any.
She nods her head and smiles. "Didn't you leave me for her or something?" Evie asks giving a confused look.
"It was stupid for me to of done that. I didn't even love her." I look away. That was all a lie. She nodded then laid back down next to me.
I snake my arm around her.
"Do you love me?" Her voice went slightly higher. That always happens when she is about to cry. I kiss her cheek then smile.
"Of course I love you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever known." A smile came across her face. I hate lying.
A slight blush came across her cheek.
I hear my phone start to ring. As I took it out of my pocket I looked to who was calling.
It was AJ. My heart started to race.
I sit up then answer. "Hello?" I say trying to keep my happiness down.
"How could you." AJ scolds. I get up and walk away.
"What? What did I do?" I ask with worry in my voice.
"You're with Evie again." She was crying. Even though she was trying to hide it I could hear it.
"What, no! No, I'm not." I yell slightly. How would she know. I haven't told anyone...
Unless Evie told her. Dammit.
"Evie told me. I was talking to her yesterday. She said she was so happy that your with her again." I ran my hand through my hair with frustration. I turned back to see Evie she was on her phone. Laying there with no care.
"You told me you love me then I told you I felt the same. We had a fight then you told me to meet you. I was excited to finally talk to you again. Then you told me you had to leave because you love me. You broke my heart. If you love someone you wouldn't do that to them!" Her cry got even louder. I felt so terrible. She has every right to be mad.
"I love you Noah! I love you so damn much! You obviously lied about everything because now your with Evie. You didn't leave because you were scared to hurt me. You left because you want Evie!" My heart sunk. I'm filled with anger but I can't hurt Evie.
"I left because I loved you!" I scream back. Evie's eyes shoot to mine. Her face had fear and confusion.
"Yeah. You loved me." She scoffs and then hangs up the phone. Her word was exaggerated on loved. Loved. I used the wrong tense. I loved her and still I love her. I always have. I don't think I'll ever stop. Who couldn't love AJ?
I walk back over to Evie.
"Why did you tell her we are together?" I yell slightly. I try to control my anger but it's being taken over by hurt. I feel myself get tense. The tears want to come out but I won't let them.
"Why is it a problem? I always ask AJ for advice with dating and all. Even when we were just internet dating." She says flinching back. I put my hands over my face and calm myself down. I nod and smile. I say down next to her and snaked my arm around her waist.
"Sorry for getting mad. I just didn't really want her to know." I whisper then kiss her fore head.
"Why can't she know? Are you ashamed of me or something? Do you love her?" She sat up and I looked into her eyes. I can see the pain. She knows I don't love her.
"Damn, I thought you weren't me of those guys who date girls that he doesn't even love." The tears welled up in her eyes. I sit up and put my hand on her shoulder. She flings it off. I have to lie again. I don't want to. I can't.
"I love you. I didn't want AJ to know because I don't like her. Im scared she would get all angry at me. She isn't my friend anymore. Sometimes I wish she never was my friend." Lie. Lie. Lie. Why did I have to say that. Evie looks at me. "AJ knows now." She says passing me her phone. AJ was on call with her. AJ must of made her ask those question. To make me crack.
"I'm sorry I ever bothered you Noah. I won't disturb you again." AJ says then hangs the phone up. What have I done. I've lost the only girl I've ever wanted. I stuffed up.
"You see what happens when you hurt people like AJ." Evie says with anger in her voice. Evie is one of those people who cares a lot but doesn't show it unless something is serious.
"AJ is so precious and wonderful. You've destroyed her. You've lost her now, well done Noah." The last sentence is what got me. I've lost her. Evie knows it so it must be true. This isn't a nightmare. It's reality.
"Find somewhere else to stay." Evie says then stands up and walks away. I can't move. I'm in too much pain.
I stared down at my phone to see the time but my lock screen catches my eyes. It's of AJ and I laughing while we were playing video games. Her parents took that photo.
The memories are coming up.
Now I'm definitely all alone.
I'm so sorry AJ.

A/N: this chapter was really sad to write.

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