Chapter Ten.

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AJ is staying at my house for a while now. It's been six weeks since her operation. Her leg and arm is healed. She says that she is okay with it because I told her that we were friends before. She must trust me then. To her I'm a stranger but to me she is my world. It so hard to know that.
I've put together a scrap book for AJ. Maybe it will help her remember. Hopefully.
I put photos of us, her parents and other friends she had. I also included some poems she wrote.
I sat down next to her on the couch. She was flicking through the pages, examining the photos.
"Do you like it?" I ask leaning over her to see the photos as well. It was one of us at high school, junior year. We both won an athletics award. AJ had the biggest grin. Ever since that year though she never did sports again. Apparently, some girls made fun of her for being junto sports and made her insecure about herself playing sport. That's what the rumours were around school. I never dared to ask her incase it brought up bad memories.
She nods and smiles slightly.
"Do you remember?" She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
AJ closed the book and shook her head. "Sorry," she looked down and played with her fingers. "I don't. I slightly remember doing some of the things but I don't remember you."
I let out a sigh.
"I do remember Tay and Evie a little." She whispers focusing her eyes on me.
I nod slowly. I felt my heart break a bit more. She remembers someone else but not me.
She stands up and stretches her arms out. She let's out a yawn.
"I'm tired." She whispers turning around. "I'm going to go to bed."
I stand up and direct her to the spare room.
"Do you need anything?" I ask before leaving.
She shakes her head then smiles. As she closed the door I felt me heart shatter a little.
The one who I love so dearly doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember all the memories. All the times I held her close when someone broke her heart. All the years of friendship. It's all gone.
I quickly change then sit down on my bed and run my fingers through my hair. I'm so frustrated with myself. If I never got angry at her that morning then this wouldn't be happening. Ever since the accident it's hard to face her because I know it's all my fault. Sometimes I would rather just stay away so I don't have to be reminded of it but I can't be away from her. She needs me most in this time and I need her.
I hear a knock on my door. I look up and see AJ's head poking in.
"Noah?" She says with fright in her voice. She was slightly shaking.
A smile crept on to my face at the sight of her. "Yes?" I say standing up, walking towards her.
"Can I stay with you tonight? I don't like the storm." She opens the door up a bit. She was tensed up. Before the accident AJ loved storms. She loved them because she said she felt that she wasn't the only one crying anymore. I nod my head and move for her so she could come in. She got under the covers. I turned the light off and joined her.
She moved closer to me and buried her face into my chest.
I'm surprised that she is doing this even though she doesn't remember me.
"What was I like?" She asks still close to me.
I can hear her breathing fast due to the storm. "You were careless. You liked a lot of different things. You would always wear flower crowns during the summer with your hair down. You also would take me to the mountains so you could stare at the stars and not feel alone. When you were sad you would always play music and go to the park near your house. When you laugh a lot you curl your fingers. You would furrow your eyebrows when you were trying to concentrate." I smile at the thought of her. At what she use to be. I only took notice in the little things she did. I don't really care about what every one knew that she did or said. I always like the little things in people. The things no one else's seems to notice or care about.
"Was I interesting?" Her voice was so soft. She looks up at me. Her eyes were so tired.
"You always told people you weren't but to me you were." I say as I was playing with her hair. She smiled then rested her head back down. Soon later she fell asleep. I knew she was because when she is asleep her breathing gets slightly heavier.
I close my eyes wishing that sleep would overcome me but I can't stop thinking about AJ.
Every little thing she was and is. It is driving me crazy. Right now I'm holding the girl that I love. Everything else doesn't seem to matter.
Sometimes I question myself about if I really love her or not. I convince myself that I don't love her and that we are just best friends, practically brother and sister. But when I see her my heart races and I think to myself, how can I not love her?

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