The Vegan Pisco Sour

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What can happen in a club? When you're wearing a satin turquoise dress which flows with every click of your heel. When you've got a gun in your clutch, and a knife on the leather belt on your thigh. When you know how to knock someone out for a long long time, and maybe sometimes forever. When your arms are around a man's but you're eyes roam inside the room to find the one. When you've got a glass of The Vegan Pisco Sour in your hand, and you cherish the creation of man with every sip of it. The club dimly lit, with the Hawaiian smoke in the air, and while no ones watching you, the feeling of someone starring at you from the other dark corner of the room. What can happen in a club? In a club like that, with a woman like that. After all.

A few days back.

Love was given another case after the Alpha was dealt with. But this one wasn't a small dig, rather a big one. The drug dealer was to be dealt with. And what is the best way to get nearer to him. Find love in one of his man's eyes. And what if the man is his nephew. The closer the merrier.

Love was able to join Andy, the right hand of the mafia, in quite a few club meetings only a week after they'd met on the beach. And while every guy in the club checked her out, Andy knew he had all of her to himself. At least that's what he thought.

She had met the big guy a few times now. And while she kept an eye out for him in every party, she had her arms wrapped around Andy's neck on the dance floor. She would excuse herself to the ladies room to sneak into his offices every time, and she wasn't caught as of yet even once. What she had gathered was his business, all the legal and illegal and a few names in his family, the much kept private family from four wives.

And even when she met the Boss himself while she sneaked out of the corridor that lead to his office in one of the clubs, she excused herself gracefully, telling him she'd forgot the way to the restroom. He smiled, so did she.


But now this was the one night, everything depended on for Love and Andy. And as they entered the club, hand in hand they looked into each other's eyes. She was nervous, and so was he. She had to handle the men herself which could prove to be tiring and lethal, and he had a little blue velvet box carrying a gem, the ring in the left pocket of his three piece designer suit. He smiled at her, and so did she. And as they walked towards the Boss to wish him a very happy birthday, Love tighten her hold on the gun in her clutch. She counted the steps under her heels as they approached the VIP seating section, as she had to still plan her exit after the plan was executed.

"Happy Birthday Jay," Andy said as he kissed the top of his hand.

"Thank you buddy," the old man said as he smiled from ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday, and thank you for having me over," she said as she looked at the boss first and then at Andy, who was appreciating her jawline in the high bun she'd made today.

"The pleasure's all mine sweet pea," Jay said as he admired the tall beauty.

Just as Love was about to take the gun out of her clutch, she noticed the two familiar faces entering the club from the back door which was right diagonal to where she stood. The moment slipped off her hands, as Andy guided her out of Jay's VIP cell, to walk over to the bar.

"And what will you like to have?" He asked.

"Scotch," Love said as her eyes still followed the two across the club, before looking at the love of her life for the moment and smiling.

"Coming right up," he said as he walked towards the bartender.

Not sure if she was sure of the two faces she saw, Love followed them to the ladies room. The clutch was snatched and so was knife from her left leg, the four hands did a work of mystery, as they successfully turned and twisted Love, pushing her in and locking her up in one of the loo stalls.

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