Mai Tai

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Tasha, sat on the bar counter as she waited for the guy she was supposed to meet here. She had known the guy for a month now, but only online on a dating platform. She was nervous thinking of what will he be like, as she sipped from the glass of water that the bartender had offered her. Sipping the water as she was waiting for the oh so dreamy man, she saw a girl entering the bar. She had an all together different vibe to her. Even though she wasn't dressed in some fancy short dress, she was ruling the place in her black jeans and back tank top, and of course those Louboutin. She sat on the seat next to Tasha, and being awestruck, Tasha couldn't remove her eyes from her. 

"You are really beautiful," Tasha said as she could no longer hold on to her thoughts.

"Thank you, Tasha" Love said.

"How do you..."

"Know your name? I know a lot about you." Love stated as she signaled the bartender to come over. "For one," she paused then looking at the bartender, "A beer please," she looked back at Tasha, "You are here to meet the guy you met online."

Listening to Love, Tasha flinched back in her chair, "How..."

"Tasha, sweetheart," Love said, sipping the beer that the bartender got her, "The question is will you help me?"

"Help you? With what?" She asked skeptically.

"Okay," Love said turning on the rotating chair to face Tasha, while one of her elbows rested on the bar top, an the other help the beer bottle near her mouth. "Now listen to me carefully, the guy you are supposed to meet here, is a con man."

"Your kidding," Tasha laughed. "You are not joking," realizing she had the serious look on. 

 "No, I'm not," Love said staring in her eyes. 

"I don't know, what can I do?" the eighteen year old said as she legs started to shake. 

Holding Tasha by her hand, in an attempt to calm her down, Love said, "You just have to do what you ha to do. Just meet him, I'll be right behind you. Okay?" Love tried to look in her eyes, as her nervousness was increasing. 

"And no matter what, don't go with him anywhere until I'm around. Are we clear?" Love asked.

Tasha had starting sweating, which was visible on her forehead. Handing her a tissue, Love said, "Calm down okay? I'll be right here." She nodded wiping her head, and putting her hair behind her ear. 

"He's here," Love said as she saw a man in his mid thirty's enter the bar, and with that she swiftly picked the half filled beer bottle from the counter and move to a table not far it. 

Sitting there with her head down, she saw Tasha meet the man, and act as normal as possible, though she would steal glances at Love while the man looked away. Signaling her to breath, Love sat on the table while she finished the beer. The waitress came to give her the bill, and while she paid for it, she lost Tasha's sight. Panicking, before the waitress could leave, she rose from her table and looked around to spot them. She saw a glimpse of Tasha going out of the back door, and with that she rushed towards the door, pushing the people on her way out. 

Stepping out through the door she looked at the dark alley, only to find no one on both sides of the door. 

"Looking for someone?" The con man asked.

Rolling her eyes, she looked behind her, where he leaned on the wall. 

"Plan worked, huh?" Tasha said as she smiled wickedly leaning on the other side of the door, on the wall. The two of them blocked Love's way to either side by stepping forward.

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