The Newark Cocktail

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"Where are we going?" Love asked.

"Somewhere safe, just to ensure they don't get to you." Hayden said.

"You haven't told him yet, have you?" Jordan said.

"What?" Hayden looked at Jordan from the rear window, then gave Love a questioning look.

"It's not just the cops that might be looking for us," Love said flinching her nose.

"Then?" Hayden said as he pulled over in shock.

"The things we escaped back there, their people may be looking for us," Jordan said trying to avoid the word werewolf.

"It's cool Jordan, he should know...they were werewolves and their pack they must be still looking for us," Love said.

"So what should we do?" Hayden asked.

"Drive as far away from here as you can," she said.


It was almost sunset, when the car had to be stopped to refill the fuel. The car was loaded with a few snacks and bottled water. The three of them stretched their legs as walked around a little to be fresh before hitting the road again. 

"Oh you forgot to get the painkillers for Love," Jordan said as he checked the supplies.

"Right...I'll get..." Hayden was interrupted.

"I'll get that, you two in the car, now" she said before walking towards the Walmart store next to the fuel station.

"The Old man's a douchebag," she said to the store manager, and taking the painkiller exited the store.

"She knew that the message would reach Zee just in time, also her location will be clear to him, now that the tracking system in her phone wouldn't be working. As she walked towards the car, in which a boy and a man waited for her, she saw a few tall well built man approach it from the other side.

Shouting as loud as she could, she said " Hey douchebag, wanna see how the Alpha lost his throne." 

The aggressive men turned their attention to the source of the voice, and before anyone could notice, they ran towards the girl who'd kill their Alpha twice. Signaling Hayden and Jordan to go, she ran inside the Walmart store, picking up a bottle as she ran towards the back door, she took the pain killer and before shutting the door behind her, threw the water on the tilled floor making the werewolves slipped on the floor, behind her. Rushing towards the woods, she knew she'd done the right thing by saving the boy and the agent. All she needed to do now was either face the werewolves or escape them. Lacking any weapons on her, she chose the latter ran towards the trees. The cuts on her abdomen and back were deep, and the stringing sensation was still there, even after taking the pills. Her chest hurt as well, but stopping wasn't an option for her. So all she had to do was to dodge the men on her trails just for time enough for Zee to send the backup in the area. She still had the Z-watch on her, but iron melting laser wasn't useful for her in a jungle. Taking her heels of due to the excessive exhaustion and weakness, probably due to the blood loss, she slowed her speed.


Back at the lab, Zee had been monitoring Love's location every ten minute. And he became anxious when her location went off on the map. He tried calling her, but her phone was switched off. Kayla and Leah were called and asked in to check on Love if they could. After lunch, when the phone rang, he heard the emergency phrase from the opposite end of it, and he knew who was in trouble. He made the call, checked the location and sent the message to do the necessary. The lab didn't seem normal without her. All he wished now was Love to be back home before tomorrow morning so that he could make her the cup of coffee she'd asked him too in the note she'd left. 


Felling the soil, and the shrubs under her bare feet, she kept walking with the hope of reaching somewhere, somewhere safe, and secure, like she felt back at the lab. She missed the warm feeling of sitting on a soft bed, and drinking coffee, or even Zee's hot chocolate. All she wished for now was to get back to that comfort once again. She felt being deprived of that warmth and coziness now, and if someone asked her, she would have given anything to get back to it. Her body wasn't reacting to the stress she was putting it under, and she felt dizzy. Supporting her weight with the trunk of a tree, she stopped for a split second to catch her breath.

"There she is," she heard a man yell in the wilderness. Closing her eyes in frustration, she gathered all the strength she had to run one more time. After a half a mile or so, Love saw a road leading to a dam. Not wanting to hurt her feet more, she  took the road, as she tired to cross the bridge as fast as she could. Reaching the middle of the thing, she turned around to see if the men still followed her, only to see the men running in her direction, then stopping, looking at each other in confusion. 

"Yah...well now do you see who's the boss," Love yelled gaining her confidence. "Oh my God, I'm exhausted," she said as she blacked out for a split second. "You know bitches, I don't have days like these, usually I'm the one things like you run from," she said supporting her weight on the tall railing of the causeway. Then she focused on the werewolves eyes, which were focused on something behind her. 

Hoping for the best, she turned around her only to see the cop cars parked on the other side of the tall bridge. She analyzed the situation, then turned around to see if she could run back in time towards the wolves. The werewolves stood still waiting on the other side of the bridge, all thought they had increased their distance enough for the cops to not figure out who they were.

"Ma'am we want you to raise your hands and stay still," the announcement was made, and now Love knew it was too late. She turned around raising her hands in the air. Her eyes widened up to see the two familiar faces in the pack. Hayden and Jordan. She couldn't believe them to give her up this way. The only thing that broke her heart now was the way they deceived her. She couldn't wait any more for the backup now. So gathering all her strength, she placed her foot on the lower step of the railing, jumped to the other side of it. 

"Don't," she heard a voice behind her only to see the Hayden rush towards her.

And then she jumped. From a height of a hundred meters.

It is said when you know your life is ending, your mind tends to flash the memories for the final goodbye. And now Love saw, her whole life right in front of her eyes. She saw, and felt the love thinking about her sisters, Zee, her room and diary.  All the cherished memories, playing with her sisters, going to school, dancing, acing academics, living the normal life, then college, and him. He was the first person who Love talked to on the first day of campus. It was a long time back, but not long enough to be completely forgotten. 

His eyes were hazel and he had dark brown hair. The usual dates were done, and sleepovers were ravished. She had shared some of her deepest secrets with him, trusting him, knowing tat no matter what he's always gonna be there for Love, in happiness and in distress. Her family warned her, but when do we really care f what they say to us. So she dated him, for four years, until one day when Dalilah came to met him. As Love stood next to him, Dalilah pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. He twisted Love's arm, and hid his body behind her, knowing Dalilah wouldn't kill her own. But she did shoot, right between his eyes, making him fall to the ground. That day her heart was shattered. Broken into a thousand pieces as the certain normal life that she had planed for them to live became uncertain in a minute or two.  The man had been a werewolf, who had a revenge to take care of. So he used Love for as long as he could, to get to the killer of his family. Love was a hoax. And she never trusted anyone after that, anyone someone would know about. 

Her eyes blinked as she touched the surface of the shallow water knowing her end was here. 

She had jumped of the edge a long time back when she entered this world, her world. But now she had hit the tips rocks on the bottom of it.

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