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It had been ten weeks since Love last parked her car in this basement. But it felt good to be back keeping aside the fact that Zee called her on a short notice and he seemed worried. Walking into the white walled hallway felt like home. Submitting her finger prints, she entered the lab. 

"Zee," she shouted as she entered his office. 

"There you are," he said.

"Here I am," she said spreading her arms. 

"What happened to you heels dear?" He asked.

"I'm afraid the iron melting laser had been destroyed," she said removing her Louboutin and giving him, as he analysed the sole. 

"They were dragged down the stairs," he stated.

"Tell me that," she said as she sat on the arm chair in one corner of the room. 

"Zee, last night I couldn't see through the douchebags," she said.

"How many were there?"

"Three of them, oh, triplets," she said.

"Crap, how'd that go?"

"You know me, but why wasn't I able to see them image crap before, like I did see it but only when they were about to do it,"


"Torture me to please their lust of inflicting pain on others," she said.

"Psychopaths, unpredictable, they are spontaneous, some of them don't really think about their prey until they are about to do..."

"Right, got the idea. So did they like control their thoughts?"

"No they just didn't focus on it before doing it. Being spontaneous. It's good, you should try it" he said.

"Try being a psychopath?" She asked earning a light slap on the back of her head from her mentor.

"No dumb head, being spontaneous." He stated.

"Why'd you call me Zee?" she asked picking the cookies from his desk.

"Oh yes, that" the old man remembered. "Love, I need help, I'm not sure about it, like I'm doubtful a little," 

"Zee, stop," Love said stopping him in his tracks, "Breath, what?"

"Amy, she....I'm worried about her, something strange, I can't put a finger on it, but I feel like she is not fine, or like in danger,"

"Who is Amy?" Love asked.

Stealing glances, he said, "My daughter."

"You have a daughter?" Love raised her brows.

"Yes, I do," he said looking offended.

"And I didn't know about her because..."

"Because her mother called me a month back , confessing me about her,"

"And why'd she hide it?"

"Does it look like I know?" He asked now annoyed.

"Jess, relax, so what' d she say?"

"She just say Amy is in trouble, so I was keeping an eye on her for a month, but..."


"This intern went missing a week before, which confirmed my doubt," he said.

"You hired a detective?"

"A bodyguard," Zee corrected.

"Whatever, that's rude Zee, a child... teen is got to have privacy." she said.

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