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Love, is a hoax.
That is what Love thought as she sat on the top of the roof of the house, after a job well done and a case well solved.
She bit the apple in her hand, and chewed on it looking into nothingness in the darkness that stood in front of her. She knew her job was done, and now she had plenty of time till the next. Chewing on the fifth bite she saw a figure in the dark alley.

Her eyes were now focused on a boy walking down the road. With earphones plugged in his ears, he moved to the beat of whatever song he was listening to, and though see couldn't listen to the beats, she sure had some entertainment watching him move his hips to it. Tilting her head in amusement she couldn't help but laugh at the little figure.

She knew this could be her next case. Throwing the half eaten apple behind her, and rising up from her sitting posture, she slid down the roof, hopped down to the first floor balcony, and followed the pipe down to the ground floor. Standing straight, she fixed her curls, and her black jacket, rubbing off the dust, if any. Walking onto the road, she followed the boy, until she was sure, no one would hear them. Reading his body language, she wasn't sure if what she thought was right, but she knew the people who were out at this time of the night. Well experience speaks for itself.

Tapping on his shoulder, Love looked at the figure that freaked out on her touch. Eyes in his eyes, with a little seduction in hers, as she smiled at him.

"Hello Jack" she said

"You scared me, Oh Hi, How'd you know my name," the goofy one said.

"I know a lot about you," she said running a finger down on his right arm right below where the sleeve of his shirt ended.

"I think I should leave" he named Jordan said gulping on his throat and turning around.

Love didn't know why he acted that way, but whatever the reason may be, he did save his life.

Shrugging her shoulders she moved back to her place disappointed on this one. She could sense an emotion in his eyes, which wasn't something she had seen quite often, not sure of what that was she decided to keep it aside for the day, as she stepped in the jacuzzi, with a wine glass all set on it's side, and the dim lights above her. She had time, to herself, relaxing the tensed muscles now, she inhaled the sweet little fragrance from the huge wine glass sipping from it, every now and then.

Moving inside the class, she was the new student in the University of South Texas, and as a matter of fact the talk of the campus. She was attractive, with chocolate brown eyes, and brown light curls falling just perfectly till her waist, as she wore a black t shirt tugged in the black colored jeans and ankle high boots, four-inch high, and a black jacket giving her shoulders the intimidating look.

She knew who she was, and what she did, but no one else did, and as a matter of fact they should never know as well. She knew how to become the part of the crowd, but she never liked to do that. Moving to a seat on the extreme right bench of the class room, she sat there as her eyes roamed the class room.

She had to find the perfect case, now that the previous was over. As the professor entered the classroom, the students rose from their seats, and so did Love, she had to do even when she didn't wish to. Being a fit among people was very essential to avoid the eyes on her, and she was getting better at it each year.

Sitting back in her chair, she looked around to see if anyone met the criteria.

"May I come sir," the sweet girl said who had her head bent down to the ground, not raising her eyes even once.

"Of course, come in Tia," The professor said eyeing her.

Love knew she had found her next target. The professor. Professor Daniel, the Ph.D. in psychology. Is divorced, lives alone in 502, Street number 6, Bellevue.

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