Ramos Gin Fizz

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Well, Ramos Gin Fizz is an eye opener. 

Love and Leah's adventure was a topic of discussion at the lab for a week after the incident. And while everyone congratulated them on their success of eliminating the sin to such a level, there was one person who knew that limits were pushed, and Leah had changed from that day onwards. Not only did she become more confident of herself, she also had a change of opinion on the job they were destined to do. Suddenly it wasn't all the same. It didn't seem that bad after all. Maybe what they did was something of the greater good, and when she had powers why not use them for this greater good.  

Love on the other hand was worried about her, since only she had known the way Leah had acted. The sudden change of attitude, taking the guards by herself, spilling the blood, and above all bestowing the guilt on the Mafia so much, as to kill him with the overwhelming emotions. All of it could be prove to affect the psychology of anyone, but Leah for such a big case like that, seemed rather fine. She would laugh, and talk and walk and help Zee in the lab. Love still felt the exhaustion, she had healed but she wasn't back to her old self. Leah was powerful, that was for sure, but was it her whole potential, or was there more to her that Love knew. The question had no answer yet, but Love was determined to know it, while she sat on the yoga mat for Zee who was helping her meditate and regain her supernatural power.

Dalilah was the one who doubted their abilities to have had handled the whole empire themselves, but then there wasn't a doubt that they didn't. She was responsible for each and every one of them, and she had to take care. 

And as Love saw Leah stand outside the room, she excused herself, and left the center to go talk to her.

"Woah, you're all dressed up," Love said as she looked at the professional pencil skirt she wore matched with a plain white shirt and a black blazer. 

"Yah, Dalilah's put me on a case," she said while she fixed her blazer.

"Wow, I thought you wanted an out out of it." exclaimed Love.

"I did, until, I felt the power in my veins... the case in itself was an eye opener for me" Leah said while her arm below the blazer sleeve covered in goosebumps, " Love, it was powerful... you know...the thing that overtook me there, that day, and I felt and saw his sins, an his guilt hiding somewhere at the back of his evil... sinful thoughts, and while the guilt was unleashed, I unleashed from the fear of choosing this life." 

"You just can't base your decision on one moment of power...that 'your veins felt'," Love said mimicking her voice. 

"I know you worry about me, and I...I...uh...appreciate it...truly, but you need to understand, I want this. I know I was destined to do this, and I have no more complaints with it now. I've seen evil, and now there is no going back," she said and with that she engulfed Love in a hug with her head placed on her shoulder, the same hug they had when they were kids, or the one they had before Love ran away to study at Stanford. The moment was eternal, for both of them. And with that Leah left without saying another word, just a smile on her lips, and content in her eyes. Love didn't had words to say to the little one, as she knew her stubbornness. Once she's made her mind, no one can change it, just like herself. 

"You need to let her do what she thinks is right for her," Zee said as he came out of the door. 

Love nodded at that.

"Come on in, we still need to work on your weakness," he said, going back inside the room, while Love gave one last look, before turning around and going back in.


It took a week for Love to get back to mind reading. Slowly and slowly she started reading minds, starting with Zee. She was able to read minds of extroverts, but introverts were still lacking. Zee made his special spinach almond cream soup for her. Reading Kayla's mind was easy too, but the real deal was Dalilah. She had the most powerful weapons with her, obviously after Leah, which only Love knew. Leah's real power wasn't really exposed yet. It was said that she was the one who was meant to do it all. None of it made sense before, but now that Love had seen what she was capable of, it was making sense. 

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