Old Fashioned

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Benjamin sipped his Old fashioned Bourbon from the lowball glass, as the stripper came towards him in the huge, exotic condo, he had hired for the night. The stripper had to follow the same routine as she did every night to feed herself. Lap dance was the starters. 

As she came near him, Benjamin sipped the last sip from his drink, and before she could start with her job, she was signaled to make a drink, as the middle aged, sharp jawed paired with piercing eyes man, handed her the glass. Moving away from him, she turned around to face the bar. Making the same Old fashion for him, she turned around to find him excessively close to her comfort. Though it was what she did, today this man gave her the chills, just be looking at her. He looked like a rich bastard, she thought, and keeping aside the feeling, she handed him his drink. A big, flat smirk covered his face from ear to ear, to which she had to smile back at him. 

Looking behind him, she saw someone, or something move, but not sure if it really happened, she looked back at Benjamin. 

"Sweetheart?" Benjamin said as he over shadowed her small figure with the small distance between them. 

Taking the drink from her hand, he smirked as he gulped it all in one go. She looked at him in shock wondering if his internal had  burnt feeling due to the same. But nothing was evident on his face. Looking in his eyes, she saw evil, pure evil. She flinched back hitting her back with the bar counter, as Benjamin closed further close to her. Placing the empty glass on the counter, he stared in her eyes, as he took out a pocket knife from his pocket. Opening it right in front of her eyes, he smirked. Feeling scared now, thinking about the possibilities, she screamed on top of her voice. 

"Shh...no darling, that is behaving badly" Benjamin said, "You see I'm a man of honor, and I don't like it when people scream indecently, so the calmer you remain, the less pain will be inflicted on you."

"Please, let me go."

"Can't Love, it's been a week, and now I can't control anymore," he said closing his fist, and eyes feeling the psychopath pleasure. The stripper tried to get free from his grip, but Benjamin blocked her way. 

"What do you think you are doing Love?" He asked.

"Trying to kill you," he heard a voice from behind him as a gun was pointed on her head. 

The stripper cried in fear, as the facial expression of the silky haired man changed from pleasure to anger to wrath. 

"What do you want?" He asked controlling his anger, as he clenched on the knife even tighter.

Benjamin turned around slowly to look at the girl who had the audacity to point a gun at him. Love looked at the psycho from behind the guns rear, and then looking behind him she signaled the stripper to hide behind the couch on her left. Nodding at her savior, she rushed towards the couch. 

 Once the girl was safe, Love placed her eyes on his greens and looking deeply in them, she tried to read his mind. Being the confident little, ahh, tall muscular bastard he looked in her eyes, thinking of the way he would torture the two little pets he had for the night, and that right there was his biggest mistake. 

"Seriously Benji, your thoughts are..."

"How'd you know my name?" Benjamin asked in confusion and shock.

"Benji, It's the name your wife used to call you with right... that is before she cheated on you?" Love said.


"You killed her, that is where all of this began, right?" Love asked moving her finger in a circle signaling the condo. 

"Agent?" He asked.

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