Chapter Eight

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Hayes's POV

Halfway through the movie, I noticed that Sarah hasn't said or moved for quite some time. Slowly, I moved my head so I can see her face. Her eyes were closed, meaning she fell asleep. She looks adorable when she sleeps. I continued watching the movie until I ended up falling asleep as well.


I woke up to the T.V off and the house in pure silence. The sun was just starting to shine brightly through the windows. Sarah wasn't in my embrace, where is she? I sat up and looked around. Nothing.
I searched the entire house to find her. Did she leave? Why on earth would she do that? Before you assume the wrong thing, you're probably thinking that I'm angry with her. I'm not and I never will be.
I'm just saying that she knew that we had our pool get together with the guys and she left? It's like 7:00 in the morning and I highly doubt that she wanted to get her bathing suit and get ready this early. She could have stayed with us till the time came, which was later in the afternoon.

No one is awake but me. I decided to go to Nash's room and see if he saw her. I decided to see Nash first because he might know and I didn't want to text her and sound all worried. I want to know if the guys know anything about her location, before I text Sarah.

When I walked in, all of the guys were on Nash's bed or on the floor. Wonder how long they stayed up for?

"Nash. Do you know where Sarah is?" I whispered. He turned over, facing me.
"She's not with you?" Nash asked, as the rest of the guys started waking up.
"What's wrong?" Matt asked, gently rubbing his eyes.
"I can't find Sarah." I repeated, he sat up quickly.
"What? She got kidnapped?" Matt yelled, all the other guy's attention was completely on me.
"What? No! I didn't say that. All I'm saying is that she's not here, in the house. I was asking you guys to see if you know anything about her whereabouts."
"Oh. I don't know." Matt replied, resting his head back on his pillow. The rest of the guys chuckled.
"Did you try to text her?" Carter asked. I shook my head, saying no.
"No, I wanted to see if you guys know anything." I paused. "What time did you guys go to bed?"
"Uh. Two thirty?" Nash questioned, the other guys agreed.
"Was Sarah on the couch with me?"
"Yeah." Matt said, we all looked at him.
"She left? At like 3-6 in the morning?" I whispered, staring at the ground.

This isn't good.

(Sorry about the short chapter before.. I guess you can say it was basically a filler chapter...)

Okay, everybody! Brace yourself. Basically from now till the end of the book is INTENSE! (Warning: May cause a roller coaster of emotions.) 😂

Anyway! Please, I'm begging you. Don't stop reading!¡! I think this story is a lot better than my first one, 'Forever'.

Love you all! Thanks for all the reads!💕
(Please be patience with me.. I'm sorry for not posting all the time. I try my best. I'm always just super busy. 😔)

(Also go read my other story, 'Forever.')

Stay Beautiful!
(P.S. If you don't mind, I think I might continue doing 'Stay beautiful.' At the end of almost every chapter. I think so.. I like people to know those kind of things. So if you weren't told that day? I told you!😌)

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