Chapter Twenty Six

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I have absolutely no idea what to expect. Should I go? No. Yes?
With out my permission, my feet began to walk forward towards the line.
"That's what I'm talking about." He smiled, as we stood in line.
The wasn't too long, thankfully.

When we got to the front of the line, Hayes followed the guy, who guided us to our where we must sit.
"Hayes. I'm starting to panic." I admitted as everyone else was sitting down and butterflies filled my stomach.
"It's okay. I'll be right here." Hayes looked over to me and held my hand, causing all the butterflies to somewhat disappear.
Then. We began to move.

"Help me, I want to get off." I said, holding on to his hand very tightly.
"You can't get off now. Just accept the fact that this is happening and enjoy every moment." He smiled, rubbing my hand with his thumb.
All the butterflies that we inside of me, somehow completely disappeared.

Accept the fact it's happening and enjoy every moment.

Right at the peak of the incline, the roller coaster went straight down.
The roller coaster wasn't that bad. Even though I screamed most of the way. At least I can say I've done this.
"How was that?" Hayes laughed as he waited for me to get off.
"Where do I begin." I laughed, as we made our way to where we can purchase the pictures.
We ended up getting one of the pictures, for memories.
"I love you and all, but you look terrified and really funny." Hayes laughed, pointing at me, obviously screaming. Hayes was laughing in the picture, so he looked fine.
"I know. You don't need to rub it in." I said in a depressing tone, walking away. He followed me.
"Hey," He paused as we both stopped walking away from the booth. He used his index finger to lift my chin. My eyes wondered from the floor up to his blue eyes. "No matter what, I'll always love you." Hayes pulled me in for a long kiss.
"Sorry." I smiled, looking down.
"There's no need to apologize." He lifted my chin again and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.


"Oh Hayes! We should go to the photo booth." I smiled, as I was holding his hand. On his face, he had hesitation.
"If you didn't remember, I went on the roller coaster that you badly want me to go on with you." I smiled, raising an eyebrow.
"Fine. Let's go." Hayes smiled, walking ahead of me. We entered the photo booth and sat down.

In total, there was five pictures taken.
The first one was of us making a heart out of our hands. The second one was of both of us laughing. Next was him having his arms around my neck, giving me a hug. My arms were around his waist as we both laughed and smiled at the camera. The fourth one was us trying to pull off white girl poses. I did duck lips and did a peace sign and Hayes slightly stuck out his tongue and did a peace sign as well. We both laughed at that one.
Finally, my favourite, was the last one. It was of us kissing.

By time Hayes and I decided that we should go back to his house, the sun was just setting.
Without saying anything, I pulled out my phone and began to text my mom.
"Who are you texting?" Hayes asked, trying to look over my shoulder, but we were moving too much so he couldn't see.
"My mom. I'm going to ask if I can stay the night again." I smiled, looking at him. He smiled.
"Okay. Fine with me."

Almost as soon as I sent the text, my mom replied saying that she is fine with it. Awesome.
"I'm aloud to stay." I smiled.
"Great. Can't wait." Hayes smiled, holding my hand a bit tighter. Silence then filled our ears.
"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Absolutely no clue. But, I'm up for anything that you would like to do." He paused. "Is there anything specific you wanted to do tonight?"
I thought about that question as we continued to walk silently.
"Um. Nothing specific." I paused, continuing to think. Then a light bulb appeared in my head. I got excited as I smiled and unknowingly held his hand tighter than before.
"What? Got an idea?" He chuckled at what I did. I nodded my head, slightly blushing.
"Aren't you going to tell me?" Hayes smiled, as I looked up at him.

"We should go on your roof and talk."

As simple as it is, I think that would be so fun. Sometimes the simplest things mean the most to people.
"Just like old times." Hayes's eyes made their way to me.
"Just like old times." I repeated as I smiled, turning my head to him so our eyes connect.

When we arrived at Hayes's house, we greeted everyone who was home and disappeared into his room. As soon as I walked through the door, and sat down on the edge of his bed and took a long sigh.
"You okay?" He asked, sitting down beside me.
"Never better." I smiled, looking up at him.
"Need to talk about it?" Hayes smiled, gesturing to the outside of his window, onto the roof of the house. I smiled.
"That would be great." I chuckled as I let Hayes grab my hand as we walked outside, onto the roof.
"I really miss being up here with you. All the memories just come back I guess." I smiled, sitting down cross legged and letting the childhood memories flood back. Hayes did the same thing but in front of me.
"Yeah, me too." He paused, "To start this conversation off, tell me something." Hayes smiled. I slightly panicked from the pressure.
"Uh. What do you want me to say? You already now a lot of things about me." I chuckled.
"Any dreams you have? Anything on your bucket list? Anywhere you want to travel in the future? Favourite memory? Worst memory?" He paused, slightly chuckling and bringing his hand to his face. During that short moment, he looked so adorable. "Okay, sorry. Maybe not your worst memory. I already know that." He smiled. "I don't know everything you know." Hayes gently grabbed my hands. I thought for a while.
"Well. There is one place that I've always wanted to go." I said, slightly looking up.
"Where?" Hayes asked, curious. I let go of his hands to fix my hair.
"I have always wanted to go to Hawaii." I smiled.
"That would be an amazing place to go to." Hayes stated.
"Yeah. It would be awesome to go like snorkelling, and learn to surf, possibly cliff jumping and just do insane things there." I smiled.
"I would so do those with you." Hayes smiled, as I continued to smile.
"Another awesome thing would be to travel the world. I know it's quite a common or a cliché thing to find on a bucket list but still. By the way, my bucket list is really big for me being this young." I laughed.
"Mine is very short." Hayes laughed too. It was then silent until I spoke.

"You know what is weird?" I asked, Hayes looked confused.
"It's weird how when we were really young and best friends, it seemed as if you were my one and only friend. Back then, I would have never thought that we would have fallen in love with each other."
"Yeah." Hayes smiled, getting closer to me. His hand gently rested on my lap and I looked down at his hand and slightly smiled. He then used his hand to lift up my chin and then leaned in kissing me passionately.

"I really love you." Hayes whispered as he rested his forehead on mine.
"And I really love you too." I whispered, letting a smile spread across my face. He smiled, looking at my lips as he leaned in again. As he was kissing me, I ended up leaning back, laying down against the roof. Hayes ended up basically on top of me.
"Is it weird that even though we're fourteen, we love each others like we're twenty or thirty, or even eighty." I chuckled, resting my upper body weight all on my right elbow. Hayes was still over me.
"Is it weird if an eighty year old couple loves each other like they're fourteen?" Hayes responded, I smiled and shook my head no.

(Authors Note: I don't even know if that makes sense but whatever! 😂)

"Well, No. That's cute when old people do that." I stated.
"I like loving you like this." Hayes smiled at what he said. "Plus, I guess it just might mean we're more in love and mature than everyone else." Hayes smiled, kissing me on the cheek.
During that whole time, his body was slightly hovering over mine.

Hayes and I literally talked all night. I learned quite a few things that I didn't know about Hayes and he learned some new things about me. By time we ended up going to bed it was around 6:28am. Just when the sunrise was beginning to show through the light clouds.
It was pretty funny because I told him that my birthday was coming up around next week and he was completely shocked. Have no clue why, but he was.
This was by far the best night I have ever had.

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