Chapter Thirty

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Hayes's POV

Last night when Nash texted me, he told me that Sarah's present is ready. It's official. For Sarah's birthday, we're going to Hawaii. We have already talked to both of her parents. They are fine with Sarah coming with all of us to Hawaii. I can't wait for her to know.

I woke up and checked my phone, Nash texted back.

Nash: Hey Hayes. Sarah's present is ready to go. Plane tickets are paid for, hotel is paid for. Everything is set! When are you two coming to the house?
Hayes: Hey. Can't wait for her to get the present! Sarah is currently sleeping so I'd say we might be there in around two hours? Maybe more. Depends when she wakes up.
Nash: Go wake her up! We are all getting impatient.
Hayes: Okay okay. Fine.

I put my phone away and went to go wake her up.
"Sarah." I whispered, kissing her lips softly. She smiled before she opened her gorgeous eyes. "Happy birthday." I smiled, sitting down on the bed.
"Thanks." Sarah then opened her eyes.
"You need to get ready. Our date is going to happen really soon and need you to get ready." I stated, already standing up again.
"When are we leaving?" She asked, sitting up.
"As soon as possible." I stated, kissing her forehead and walking out.

Sarah's POV

The date is going to be so much fun. I don't have a clue what we are doing but I know it will be fun. I love spending time with Hayes, especially when we are alone.

I then got up out of bed, and went straight for the shower. I freshened up my body and put on my black not ripped jeans and a T-Shirt that said 'Summer Vibes' on it and I quickly finished getting ready and walked out of the bathroom, now ready.
"Ready?" Hayes smiled as I was going down the stairs. I nodded my head and smiled.

As we were walking the the mystery destination, I realized that we were walking to his house.
"Are we going to your house?" I chuckled, completely confused.
"Yeah. We're going to start off this date with a quick Netflix movie on the basement T.V then chat on the roof." He smiled, holding my hand.
I then, got quite excited. I know I probably isn't much but sometimes it's better that way.

On the way to his house, Hayes quickly pulled out his phone, texted someone and put it back. I shrugged it off. We are now at his front door. He opened it wide. No one here. Wonder where his family is? All of their cars are here.
"Hello?" Hayes called out. No one responded. "Hm. Must be downstairs." Hayes started to walk downstairs. All the lights were off.
When Hayes turned on the lights, to my surprise everyone jumped out and yelled surprise.

I stood there completely shocked. Everyone then engulfed me in a large group hug. All the guys were there. It's was amazing to see them all because I haven't seen them in literally forever! It's nice to see the ones I haven't seen in a long time.

"Oh my god. Who started all this?" I asked when we disconnected. Everyone then slowly looked and pointed at Hayes, who was smiling at me.
"Did you really start this?" I whispered, walking closer to him. He nodded.
"I love it." I smiled, and putting my arms around his neck and kissing him.
The whole room erupted in awe's. I blushed and told them, playfully, to shut up.
"Now that that's over, who ready to party!" Carter announced as everyone cheered.
"Wait." Hayes stopped, causing silence to come. "Sarah needs her present." He stated, looking at the other guys instead of me. Everyone said yeah and smiled, getting quite excited.
"You guys are getting more excited than I am." I laughed, as Nash handed Hayes an envelope. Hayes then gave it to me.
"By the way, we all pitched in with this present. But, it was Hayes's idea." Cameron stated just as I began to open it.

What on earth could they all pitch in on, but yet have it be so small and being contained in one envelope? Did they just get me money? I guess I'll have to find out.

When I opened it, I read the front of the card out loud. It was a handmade card from then all.


Before you open it, we just want to thank you for everything you have done. We love you so much and hope you love your birthday present.

Around that, was a small note that each guy has handwritten, saying how much they love me and replaying all the good memories we've had together. I read that out loud too.
"Aww. Thanks." I smiled, looking up, just finishing.
"You never opened it yet." Matt smiled, winking.

Slowly, I then opened the card.

A sheet of paper then fell out and landed on the floor. I bent down to pick up the paper. Matt then quickly picked it up before I did.
"Read the card first." He stated, and I opened it and began to read Hayes's hand writing, once again, out loud.


First of all, I'm just going to say that I love you so much. We have been though a lot. I really hope you enjoy your present. I know you deserve this because you have put up with me. Love you forever and always.


Matt then handed the paper that was dropped. A plane ticket! To where?
I read the fine detail, specifically looking for the destination. It then found it. Hawaii was written on it. I opened my mouth wide then covered it, looking at the guys.
"No!" I said, trying to look at everyone. They all laughed and smiled.
"We're going to Hawaii!" Nash announced, causing everyone to cheer.
"When are we leaving?" I asked, curious.
"Tomorrow." Nash stated causing me to take a sigh.
"That's not a lot of time. What time does the plane leave?"
"Six in the morning." Cameron stated, already knowing.
"This party isn't going to last very long." I said taking a sigh.
"It's only 2, so we have around seven to eight hours until we should get some sleep. Let's just make the best of it." Matt smiled, giving me a side hug.
"Yeah." I smiled, and paused. "I really miss talking to all of you guys." I stated.
"We missed you too." Carter smiled.

The afternoon was the best afternoon that I've ever had. We ended up going into the pool and playing chicken fight for awhile.

For those who don't know, chicken fight is when we each choose a partner and go on their shoulders. When we're on their shoulders, you try to push off the other players off the shoulders. I won twice and Matt won four times.
I told him that I just think he won because he's a guy and he's stronger than me.

After that, we went inside and played a bit of truth or dare. After that we watched two movies on Netflix.
I just didn't want to night to end.

"I don't want this night to end." I laughed, sitting back on the couch.
"I don't either. But it has to." Nash frowned, taking a sigh.
"I'm going to go to bed, make sure I get enough sleep." I smiled, standing up. Hayes was right behind me.
"Goodnight!" Cameron called out as we both began to walk up the stairs.
"Goodnight." I called out. "By the way, thank you guys for everything and making this the best birthday ever." I smiled, turning the corner.

When I walked into Hayes's room, he grabbed my wrist causing me to turn around. My eyes wondered from the floor up to his eyes.
"Excited?" He smiled, bringing his face close to mine.
"Yeah." I whispered gently nodding. I quickly gave him a peck on the lips. I turned away. Hayes, once again, turned me around. This time he gave me a long kiss.
"I need to go to bed." I whispered, escaping his grip. He sighed and followed me. We didn't even bother to change into our pjs. We both fell asleep in our jeans and T-shirts.

Stay beautiful!❤️

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