Chapter Sixteen

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Sarah's POV

'Da-Ding' My phone echoed through my bedroom. Quickly, I picked it up.

I read the text Brooke sent me at least fifteen times.

Absolutely useless.
I don't love and I don't miss you.
Didn't want to see your ugly face.

Those words, came out to me and shot me straight in the heart. I then decided to reply back, even though the chance of it backfiring is very high. I needed to get this out of my system. But, I'll give it a shot.

Sarah: Well, Brooke. If you hate me that much, I'm done with your lame excuses. I'm just done with you. This friendship is over! Did you fake being my friend for this long?

Brooke: I don't care about our dumb friendship. I don't care if we 'break up.' Did I fake this friendship? Well, yeah. Of course. I used you for popularity, and now I am way more popular than you. I always will be.

Sarah: I can't believe you would do such thing. Thanks for being such a horrible friend.

Brooke: No problem. It was my pleasure to make your life miserable.

I just lost one of my best friends that I have ever had.
I didn't decide to text back because I've already done enough damage to our so called, friendship.
Frustrated, I threw my phone at my bedroom wall. A loud bang followed as my phone fell to the floor. I then let an ocean of tears fall from my cheeks and onto the floor. Slowly, I walked to my phone and picked it up.

Sarah: Hayes? I need to talk to you.
Hayes: What's wrong?
Sarah: Come to my house, I need to explain something to you that you don't know.
Hayes: I'm on my way.

Not long later, Hayes arrived.
"Hey." Hayes said, walking into my room.
"Hey." I sat down on my bed, looking down. Hayes then sat down beside me.
"What's wrong?" Hayes asked, gently wrapping his arm around me. I broke down, explaining everything he doesn't know. From the picture, to the bullying to what happened between Brooke and I.
"Oh my god. I knew something was wrong but I had no clue it was that serious." Hayes said, bringing me into a large hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried even more.

There are always times where you just need to cry and tell someone everything.

"Do you have the picture that I was in?" Hayes asked and I nodded, showing him. "That is definitely not me. I don't even know who that girl is anyway." Hayes quietly admitted.
"I'm sorry. Everyone thinks it's you." I admitted as well.
"Don't apologize, we both know that it's not me." Hayes smiled, giving me a peck on the cheek.

'Da-Ding' My phone echoed through my room. It was one final text from Brooke.

Brooke: If I were you, I would check your Twitter. ;)

"What?" Hayes asked curiously as he read the text too. I then quickly went on my Twitter. It was a false picture of me and some random guy kissing and a caption was,
'This slut cheats on Hayes for this guy. For everyone who doesn't know, Sarah abuses Hayes and he does it back. I've seen it first hand.'

"Oh my god." Was all that could escape his mouth as I watched the likes, replies and retweets number go up dramatically.
"I know." I mumbled. "The picture is false by the way. I would never do that to you. That caption is definitely fake as well. I have never set an abusive finger on you." I stated.
"I knew it wasn't you in the first place." Hayes smiled. I smiled back and took a long sigh.
"It still really sucks having the feeling that you're hated." I admitted, feeling a tear try to escape.
"I know how you feel. I get hate everyday." Hayes sighed, using his thumb to wipe away the single tear that was on my face.
"I don't know how you do it." I said, looking up to him.
"I try my best to ignore it." Hayes said, moving closer to me.

Hayes then slowly leaned in, kissing me passionately. As I turned my body towards him, he gently set his hand on my cheek. I gently put my arms around his neck. Both of us, ended up smiling near the end of the kiss.
"Better?" Hayes smiled, setting his forehead on mine. I nodded my head, smiling. He then put his hand gently on my lap.

"This is probably the worst time to go and for you to leave as well, but I want to clarify things between Brooke and I." I admitted, getting up.
"Sarah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Hayes stood up as well.
"I'm sorry Hayes but in my mind it would help."
"You don't understand, Sarah. Brooke left you. She is ripping your life into tiny little pieces. She's making you miserable, and going to talk to her will only make it worse." Hayes stated.
I'm sorry, I love Hayes more than anything in the world but I don't think that talking to her would make it worse.
"No, Hayes. I understand perfectly. We're just not on the same page here. I know what's best and what's best is to talk to Brooke." I raised my voice.
"If you talk to her all that's going to happen is that your just going to get hurt!" Hayes yelled back.
"Believe me. I'm not going to get hurt!"
"Fine! Go talk to her. Don't come back to me when you get hurt." Hayes's tone instantly dropped to almost silent. He stared at me with his anger filled eyes for a bit then he cut off our eye contact and leaving me, feeling horrible about what happened.

I'm still going to talk to Brooke.


What do you think will happen when Brooke and Sarah try to talk it out?

Thank you so much for all the reads on both of my books!
Hope you love my story. Even though I completed my other story, but go check out my other story, 'Forever.' 😊

Stay Beautiful! ❤️

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