I trust you [Chapter 35]

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Hello again everyone! I don't know if I'm gonna upload this today, I hope yes. You can thank me later for updating twice in a day. :) I don't have anything else to say except send positive feedback please, so I'm gonna start the chappie now! Btw, this is gonna be a REALLY short chapter. Sorry, it's meant to be that way.

P.S. Again, do you think Be Mine would have a chance in the Wattys as an Undiscovered gem? :)



As we walked in the bar, the first thing I did was run to the drinks. What? I'm allowed to get a bit drunk! I'm eighteen! After few shots, I was drunk but I could still think properly. I went to find Christi and dance with her, when a blonde girl, obviously drunk approached me.

''Heeyy sexaayyy'' She looked at me seductively.

''Look I'm sorry but I don't have time for you now I'm looking for my girlfriend-''

''You have a girlfriend?'' The blonde raised an eyebrow.

''Yes, I do.'' I said as calmly as possible. Gosh she was already getting on my nerves! She smirked.

''Well not for long.''

Before I could understand what she said, I got pinned against a wall and I felt her lips pressed on mine. My eyes widened and I started to push her away, but failing. I guess the alcohol really did something to me. Suddenly, someone pulled the girl off of me by her hair harshly, making her scream. My eyes got even wider as I saw an extremely angry looking Christi slapping the girl across the face.


She yelled and pushed the blonde somewhere in the crowd. Oh no. What if she thought I kissed her first? What if she thought I was cheating? I couldn't deal with another heart break!

''Christi babe it was her fault I swear I tried to push her away I'd never do anything like that to you I prom-''

She cut me off with her lips. The kiss was kinda hungry, desperate. When she finally pulled away, I looked at her, a bit shocked.

''I know baby.'' Christi smiled sadly. 

''Y-you saw?'' I asked her, hoping.

''No. But I trust you. Plus I saw your reactions. Can we please change the subject and have some fun?''

I grinned, wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around, her feet being lifted off the ground. She giggled as I pecked her lips gently. Suddenly, 'Up all night' started. My smirk got even wider as I sang the song, jumping around with Christi.


I yelled, pointing at her. Christi blushed like mad, making me chuckle. She was so adorable blushing! I took few more shots and managed to convince her to drink a bit too, so after not so long, we were both hammered.


''What?! How do you mean the plan didn't work?!'' I yelled in the phone.

''I mean the plan didn't work!! She came too soon before I could make him kiss back! What are we gonna do now?''

''I don't know, I'll think about Plan B.''

''But isn't it too early for that?''

''No. It's perfect. Just perfect.''

''Okay boss, do what you think it's the best.''

''Yeah yeah whatever. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna hurry up with Plan B they're so adorable it sickens me.''

''Okay boss, goodbye.''



Ahhhhh what is happening?! Who is this? The first one that guesses correctly gets dedication for the next chapter! :D Don't forget to send positive feedback please! So, vote, fan and comment! :D 

Luv ya all!!! xxxxxxxxx

~NiallerzPrincess123 aka Kristina

Be Mine (Niall Horan Fan-Fiction) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now