What happened? [Chapter 6]

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Hey guys, new chappie is up! :D I hope you like it, send me some positive feedback please! Oh and, hit that vote button would you, it only takes a second, it won't hurt you, will it? :3 xx




It's been almost a month since we meet the lads, and I can say that we became very close to them, and their girlfriends. I simply loved Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie, we became something like best friends. Soon everyone knew that I had a crush on Niall- except for him of course, but in the last few days, it seemed like something more than crush. Could it possibly be love? Talking about Niall, it turned out I was wrong about things being awkward between us because of that kiss. I mean, they were, but only for the next few days. Then we talked about it, and agreed that we should just forget about it, and so we did, at least he did. I don't know why, he was the closest boy to me. I told him practically everything about me, even few things that I've never told anyone before, every little secret, and he understood me, he was there for me when I needed him, he helped me get over the worst of my memories, and most important, he made me forget about John. But, it still hurt to know that he didn't, and wasn't going to love me. Everyone was trying to convince me that Niall loved me back, but I didn't beleive them. How could they be so sure? Even though a part of me wanted to trust them, take the risk and tell Niall everything that was bothering me for the last month, the other part of me told me that that was a stupid idea, that I would get broken hearted again, and that if I did that, I'd loose everything- the lads, the girls, and most important- Niall. And I decided to listen to the second one. I coudn't deal with another heart break. No. It would be too much for me. So, anyway,it was friday evening, we were all at Niall's place, deciding on what movie should we watch.

''I want Toy Story!''

''No! Toy story is for children. Let's watch a romance!''

''Typical girl's choice.''

''Well, yeah, since I'm a girl! What do you want then?''

''A horror!''

''NO! Not a horror!''

I screamed. Everyone stared at me confused. I didn't like horror movies. They freaked me out. I couldn't sleep for a week after watching one.


''Awww, does wittle Cwisti get scawed?''

''Stop it Louis! It's not her fault! It's normal. Don't worry Chris, we don't have to watch a horror.''

Louis started joking with me, but Eleanor hit his shoulder playfully and calmed me down. I blushed.

''We can watch 'Taken'?''

Niall suggested and we all agreed. Liam put the CD into the DVD player, Niall got some popcorn, turned of the lights and sat next to me. The film started, and I was very thankfull to El, because I got scared even on  'Taken', while the part when the girl was being kidnapped, there was no way I could deal with a horror without screaming at the top of my lungs. Niall noticed, pulled me into a hug and whispered ''Don't worry, she'll be fine'' in my ear.

''I know, it's just awful what she goes through. Can i have some popcorn?'' I whispered back. He looked at me with evil look and took one popcorn out of the bowl.

''Open up.''

He said pointing to my mouth. Really Niall?That's all i get? I made the puppy face and he rolled his eyes putting the bowl in my lap. I grinned like a two year old and gave him a quick hug.

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