Boyfriend [Chapter 7]

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Hey everyone! Chappie seven is up! Hope you all like it, don't forget to send positive feedback please! Luv ya! xxx




I started my week with a morning coffee, thinking about Niall of course. I haven't seen him since two days ago, because yesterday my family (that includes me) had to go on some family lunch, and the lads had rehearsals all day, so we didn't get to see each other. There was something weird about him anyway, he hadn't text me all day, and he didn't respond to mines either, at first I thought they were busy, but then Harry texted Amy they were all in his flat, watching some movie, and Niall was complaining that it was soo boring and stuff like that. Why was he ignoring me? I looked at the clock. 7:30. We should be in school in half an hour. I started waking up my sister.

''Amy wake up. Amyyyy, time to waaakee uuuupp!!!''

I sang. She said something but i didn't really understand what, since her face was burried in her pillow. She turned around and her eyes fluttered open.

''What? I wanna sleep!''

''Too bad sissy, we have to go to school. Now get up and get ready.''

She groaned, leaving me to just stand there and laugh. She put on some simple jeans and blouse, took a jacket, put her shoes on, and left the house. I ran after her, still laughing and we both started walking to the school. For the first time, i was excited for school. Yes, excited. There was some school drama, I didn't know the title yet, but my drama teacher wanted me to go to the auditions, and try to be the main character. The female one, of course. Amy and i separated in the school hall, since she had english, and i had to go to the auditions. I texted Niall, hoping he would text me back.

To: Nialler <3

I'm volonteering for some school drama, hope I get the main character.Tell the lads to wish me luck! Tell them I love them, too! x

As usual, no response. What was wrong with him? Anyway, it was my turn to act. I glanced at the title of the drama. My jaw dropped. With fancy golden letters, it was written 'Romeo and Juliet'.No way I would act in ''Romeo and Juliet''. Especially not the main character. That would mean I'd have to kiss someone, and I haven't kissed anyone after John. Well, I did kiss Niall, actually. Okay, no time for panicking, it was my turn. The selector gave me the lines, and I started acting them. When I finished, I waited half an hour,and then the teachers gathered us in a classroom to tell us who passed, and who didn't pass. Mrs. Mason, my drama teacher, stepped in front of us and started speaking.

''I'm honored to tell you, that the maincharacters, Romeo and Julliet, are Chrissa Bryan and Jimmy Sherwoods.''


Jimmy and I jumped in the same time. It wouldn't be a problem if it was another guy, but Jimmy...I couldn't kiss him, he was my best friend. I glanced at him shocked. I could bet he thought the same as me. No. No way we would kiss. I looked at my teacher with disbeleif.

''No...there must be some mistake. I...I can't. Jimmy is my best friend.''ga

''There is no mistake, miss Bryan. And if you want an A, you'll have to act, and do whatever it takes. Am I clear?'' She gave me a strict look.

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