A Mistake? [Chapter 5]

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Hello guys! Chappie 5 is up! Hope ya all like it, vote, fan and comment! I luv ya so much! Here's the chappie :D xxxx




''Guys, this is my mum, mum, these are One Direction.'' I introduced them to each other as we walked inside the house.

''This is Liam.'' I gestured to the brown haired boy.

''Well, hello Liam!'' Mum smiled widely at him.

''Good evening Mrs. Bryan.''

''Call me Mary Anne sweetie.''

''This is Louis.'' I continued not caring that I interrupted their conversation

''This is Zayn, um...I'll let Amy introduce Harry to you, and this....is Niall''

''Oh, so you're the Niall that Christi never shuts up about!'' She exclaimed happily. My eyes widened. How could she?!

''NOT TRUE!!!''

I screamed. Very mature mum, very mature. I denied what my mum said but I could still feel my cheeks heat up.

''Don't worry kid, I'm joking! Hey c'mon girls, aren't you gonna open your birthday presents?''

She smiled. I started to jump up and down like a five year old girl, making everyone laugh at my foolish self. Twenty minutes later, all of the presents were opened. Most of them were clothes my relatives sent, but there was a nice silver necklace with a heart shaped emerald that I completely fell in love with. I was so going to wear it all month. There was a matching one for Amy but it had a saphire instead of emerald. This was the best present I've ever received! Sweet sixteen! I saw Amy and Harry were chasing in the front yard. Niall was looking at them with sad smile on his lips.

''What's wrong Nialler?'' I asked softly putting my hand on his cheek.


''Just what? You can tell me everything Niall.You know that.'' He sighed.

''It's just...whenever I see Harry and Amy so happy together, I realize I never had that. I had many girlfriends before, but none of them was the right one. I guess I'm not a lucky person.''

I took a deep breath, sat on the sofa and pulled him gently so he could sit next to me. I started to speak. I knew this was going to cause a lot of pain for me, but I thought that maybe if I opened myself up, I'd feel better. And I was right.

''When I was born, when I was just an innocent baby, my biological parents decided that me and Amy weren't worth enough to have a normal life, so they just left us in the hospital, giving us for adoption. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to adopt two twins, and nobody wanted to separate us either, so until we were ten years old, we changed about 15 fosters. Some of them were nice, some of them were over protective, some didn't really bother about us, some of them...abused us, but in the end, everyone gave up on us. Until our eleventh birthday, when a nice couple showed up, and gave us our best birthday present ever- a home. They adopted us, they were nice to us, they were the ones we call mom and dad- and they still are. Through the years, as we started to grow up, we became the most popular girls in the school. Amy was nice and everything, but I was a bitch. Until the coolest boy in the school came to me and asked me out, on a date. At first, I thought he was joking with me or something like that, because no boy was brave enough to ask me out, but then I realized that he was serious. I couldn't beleive it. I had a crush on him since the day we met! So, we became a couple, and we were very, very happy. I was his princess and he was my prince, everyone said that we were meant for each other. He had a good influence on me, he changed me, he showed me the right way. Then, one day, I came home and called him, but he didn't answer. I went at his house, but it was empty. I came back home, hoping for the best, but then, I heard a knock on my door and a few policemen showed up to tell me that he....he was...g-g-gone...f-forever. I hoped it was a joke, but no. They took me to the police station and asked me few questions about him. They told me that they didn't find his body, but they found lots of his blood in his car which was stuck in a tree, with a girl's body inside it and all of John's things. All of his clothes, all of his books, pictures and stuff. They said he was planning to l-leave me. I was stubborn, I didn't beleive them, I asked how can they be sure he was....dead when they didn't have the body? They said that nobody could survive after losing that much blood. In the next three months I was still hoping, but as time passed by, I started to forget about him. I didn't remember his voice, his look, his appearance, everything that reminded me of him were pictures. But that wasn't enough. My love started to fade away, and then, I realized I was so blind. He was leaving me, he was abandoning me, and I was so foolish, I even stood up for him. But still, I couldn't be angry at him, there were too much good memories of us. I don't really love him anymore, but I still can't beleive he's g-gone.''

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