The Kiss [Chapter 3]

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Hiya everyone! Whatcha doin? ;) I don't really know what to write here anymore so, here: I hope you all like the chappie, don't forget to send some positive feedback, I completely LOVE it! :D xxxxxxx




‘’Gosh Christi I hate to admit but your meals really are better than Nando’s!’’ Niall said through a mouth full of my homemade pizza. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I hoped that Amy doesn’t notice, but unfortunately she did.

‘’Awwwww, someone’s blushing again! Hey, Niall, did you know that you’re the only person who can make my sister blush?’’ Niall giggled.

‘’Well what should I say, all the girl find me just irresistable.’’ He joked.

‘’Oh really, well I’m not  and if you say something like that again you can forget me cooking for you, or even hanging around!’’ I snapped. I think I over reacted a little bit but I couldn't let Niall know that I liked him.

‘’Hey, slow down I was joking!’’ Niall raised his hands in the air in surrender, shocked expression on his face.

‘’Christi, I’ve never seen you so angry, so intensed know...nine months ago...’’ Amy said. My eyes watered. Nine months. Exactly nine months passed since my boyfriend was found dead. They actually didn’t find the body, but there was so much of his blood, that the doctors said that nobody can survive after loosing that much blood. The first three months after that, I didn’t beleive he was dead, and I hoped that he would come back, but he didn’t, and as the time passed, my feelings for him started to dissapear and with them, the hope too.

‘’Are you alright?’’ Cute Irish accent got me out of my trance.

‘’Yeah, I’m fine’’ I forced a smile.

‘’Let’s play truth or dare! I ask first!’’ Harry suggested. We all agreed.

‘’Soo Amy, truth or dare?’’


‘’I dare you to kiss me!’’ Harry said as Amy pecked his lips. We all rolled our eyes.

‘’My turn! Louis, truth or dare?’’

‘’Truth!’’ He exclaimed.

‘’Who do you love more, Harry or Eleanor?’’ She asked, making all of us laugh.

‘’I refuse to answer the question!!’’ Lou crossed his arms.

‘’Okay whatever, you're such a baby! Your turn!’’

‘’Christi, truth or dare?’’ He smirked.

‘’Truth?’’ I said hesitantly, but it came out more like a question.

‘’Okayy, are you in love and if you are, who’s the lucky guy?’’

‘Well...I don’t know is it really love or just a crush but anyway...can I whisper the last part just to you?’’

‘’Sure’’ I came closer to Lou and whispered ’Niall’ in his ear, blushing deep red. His eyes widened and he started laughing like insane.


‘’Hey, shut up or I’ll shave your hair while you’re sleeping!’’ I joked. Amy looked at me confused. I whispered her the same thing as I did to Loueh. Her jaw dropped.

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