The Horan Family [Chapter 41]

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Ello guys! You guys are the best fans and readers ever! I really don't know what I'd do without you! Anyway, new chappie is up, hope ya like it, send positive feedback please! Oh and, do you like the new cover? If you guys are bored or something, can you try and make me a cover and I'll see if I'm in love with any of them ;) This is dedicated to my favorite Wattpad writer, Aleeesha1D :) Luv ya all!! xxx

 P.S. I know I said I Be Mine's gonna have at least ten chapters more then a sequel, but I don't have that many ideas for the sequel so I'll make it few chapters for Be Mine, then a sequel.



Last call for flight 108. I repeat, last call for flight 108!

The lady from the intercom announced. I hugged Amy, Sarah, mum and dad for the last time, before grabbing Niall's hand nervously and walking in the plane. Only my family came to say goodbye since it'd be way too big crowd if everyone did. Niall grabbed my hand, leaving the suitcases to the bodyguards and led me to the plane. I was nervous as usual because my fear of heights, but I knew Niall would be right next to me all the time and that made me feel a lot better. 

We walked to the first class and Niall insisted to take the seat by the window, knowing I would be scared shitless if I sat there. I thanked him and sat down next to him. The plane took off quickly and we were allowed to turn on our cellphones, iPods, laptops etc. Niall started to play something on his cell with his headphones on. I leaned on his shoulder to see what he's playing and to hear what music he's listening to. I guessed he had his songs on shuffle because they changed randomly. The game he was playing was Subway Surfers, mine and his favorite game. It's similar to Temple Run, but not quite the same. It's less...serious. I guess I have fallen asleep, because Niall woke me up after I don’t know how long time.

“Babe, babe, wake up!” He shook my shoulders slightly.

“Ugh whaaat?” I groaned.

“I gotta go to the bathroom...’’

“Well go!” I didn’t move.

“I can’t, you’re practically on top of me!’’ Niall laughed. I blushed and moved away from him, letting him go to the bathroom. The stewardess came and asked me if I wanted something to eat or drink. I wasn’t hungry, but I knew Niall probably was, so I took two bottles of water and few chocolate bars. Suddenly I realized I was wrong about not being hungry and that surprised me. But I didn’t dare and eat without Niall. Who knows what the voice would make me believe and the last thing I want is to break down in tears in front of the whole plane. Then someone would snap a picture and give it to the media and they would make up millions of stories. Waiting for Nialler was ten times easier to deal with.

Niall came back after two or three minutes. He sat next to me again and gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and pecked him back.

“Missed me?” He winked. I rolled my eyes. Niall immediately noticed the chocolate in my lap and his eyes lit up. He grabbed one bar and stuffed it in his mouth, making me laugh. I reached my hand out to take one too, but Niall had other idea in mind. He snatched it away from me, leaving me confused.

“I’ll feed you.” He grinned.

“Aw thanks Nialler but I can eat on my own!’’ I giggled.

“I know babe, but you know why I’m doing this, don’t you?” Niall asked seriously. His eyes showed concern. I swallowed hard and nodded. I let him feed me the bar, then half of another one until I felt my stomach was full. As usual, the voice and Niall’s words fought in my head.

Be Mine (Niall Horan Fan-Fiction) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now