Unexpected words [chapter 18]

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Hello my fellow fans and readers, 'sup? :) A new chappie is up! Woah that rhymed...xD Anyways, chapter 18 is uploaded as you can see, I really hope you guys will like it, send me some positive feedback please! Hit that vote button for me, yeah? :D I love you guys so much!You're incredible! Err...do you want Christi and Niall back together soon or...? :) I'm sorry this is so short :)



I stood on my tip-toes and pressed my lips to his. I closed my eyes and groaned, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me closer. Our lips moved in sync. I felt the familiar taste I wanted to feel sooo badly.

I wanted to stay like this forever. But I knew I couldn't. I could feel Niall smile through the kiss. He was so sweet. Even though I broke his heart, he gave me a present and kissed me. A tear slid on my cheek. I couldn't do this anymore. No matter how much I liked it, every  second of the kiss would make the rest of the time harder. I wanted to fall out of love with Niall. A part of me did. And a part of me didn't. But I wasn't brave enough to listen to the second one. I was a coward.

After I dont know how long, I pulled away slowly. I stroked his cheek and let one more tear escape my eyes, took my new guitar and ran away. I felt so awful leaving Niall like this. Especially because I loved him so much and I hoped he'd move on.

I knew nothing would be the same. I knew I couldn't live without him. I knew I was making the biggest mistake in my life. I knew I should run back and tell Niall I love him. I knew i should take the risk. But I was a coward. Sometimes like tigress protecting her baby tigers, but sometimes like a newborn helpless baby kitten. And sometimes simply like a coward. That was me. The pathetic Chrissa Angela Bryan.

My heart was aching. My body was shaking. My phone started ringing with Niall's solo in 'Moments'. I groaned. I had to change that ringtone. It was Sarah. 

''What do you want?'' I cried.

''Christi! Where are you? What happened? Niall came back crying! Did you break up? Did you-'' Sarah started but I cut her off mid-sentence.

''Calm down Sarah! I'm on my way home. Niall and I broke up.''

''Okay, we'll be home soon. Niall is devastated Chris.'' She sighed. I could hear muffled crying in the background. And Irish accented voice. Poor Nialler. Now I felt even worse.

''Is he there?'' I gulped.

''Yeah, he's crying his eyes off.'' Now my heart tore in billion pieces. The one thing I couldn't stand. My baby penguin crying. I sighed.

''Would you please tell him something for me?'' I bit my lip so hard it almost started to bleed.


''Tell him I'm gonna miss him so much and I'm so sorry but I think this is the best for now. And tell him that I love him so much.'' I finally got to mine and Sarah's hotel room. I unlocked the door and went to the bathroom to wash my face and hopefully stop crying. I supported my phone to my ear with my shoulder as I could hear yelling from the other line. Then Sarah spoke up again.

''This is gonna hurt Chris. Sorry. He says you don't love him, you never did, he says you just wanted to be famous and now when you can become famous as a tennis player you don't need him anymore, ha says he doesn't understand how didn't he see that you were just another attention seeking bitch.''

My heart was ripped out of my chest. I couldn't breathe properly anymore. I couldn't control my tears either. I slid against the bathroom wall and got my razor out of my bag.

''Christi? You still there?'' Sarah asked.

''I'm here. Tell him that I really loved him with all my heart and I still do. But, if he really meant what he said, I can't move on. I can't imagine my life without my Nialler. Tell him and the others I'm sorry. Tell them goodbye for me Sarah.'' I said shakily. my voice cracking.

''Woah woah Christi don't do anything stupid!" She shouted.

''Too late'' I whispered and stuck the razor deep in my veins. The pain was unbearable and I let out a blood freezing scream at the top of my lungs. Next, my phone fell on the floor, and I could hear yelling and shouting from the other line. Only one thing caught my attention.


I tried to say something. But it was too late. Next thing i know, it all went black.


Hey guys! Aww :'( Poor Chriall...:'(

Is Christi gonna survive?

Or will she slip away?

Will they get together again?

There's only one way to find out! That's right, keep reading! ;) Send me some positive feedback too! I hope you liked the chapter, vote, fan, comment etc :)

Luv ya all!xxx

~NiallerzPrincess123 aka Kristina <3

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