You Freaking Stupid Cheater [Chapter 14]

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Ello lovelies! Vas happenin'? Haha :D I'm in a good mood as you can see. But! I should get on the story and stop showing my feelings here haha XD I hope you guys like the chappie, send me some positive feedback please! Luv ya all! xxx




It's been two months since Niall and I started dating, and tommorow it's our anniversary! And the day after that is New Year's day! And, the lads and girls wanted to congratulate us, so we're all going to dinner tonight! In Nando's! Yeah, I'm excited to go to Nando's. By these few months with Niall, I got addicted to it too. Yeah, I know it's crazy!

You probably want to know what happened to Marc and Jimmy. Well, the bully ended up in prison for murder attempt, rape attempt and threatening. Jimmy....well...when he left the hospital, he said it would be too awkward for the two of us to be friends, and he left and never showed up again. I missed my friend, but I respected his decision. So, anyway, I was in Niall and I's bedroom, preparing for tonight. Niall kept knocking on my door, asking me when I was going to be ready. I chose a long shiny green dress, with one big strap. I loved that dress. I don't know why. Maybe because I wore it on Niall and mine first date. I put on some foundation, some mascara, even though my eyelashes were super long, and red lipstick. I slid my white high-heels on my feet and opened the door wide. There was Niall, with only white jeans and a red polo on him. When he saw me his eyes widened. He scanned my body. I laughed.

''My eyes are up here Nialler''

I laughed pecking his lips. He blushed and kissed me softly again. Few seconds later, I pulled away slowly and stroked his cheek.

''We gotta go, Ni'' I giggled.

''Yeah, we gotta go!''

He said, carefully picked me up bridal style and carried me to the living room, where Harry and Amy were waiting for us.

''What are you two doing here?'' I looked at my sister confused. She laughed.

''Well, we're here to take you and your boyfriend to the restaurant with Harry's car, but if you want to walk 15 miles....I guess it's okay.''

''NO! We're going with you!'' I shouted quickly.

There was no way I'd manage to walk 15 miles, especially not with high-heels on. Niall laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

''Let's go babe'' He pecked my lips. 

Harry and Amy stared at us faking being dusgusted. I shot them playful death glares and smiled at my boyfriend. He led me out of the flat and into Harry's car. My sister sat in the passenger seat next to Harry, so the back seats were all mine and Niall's. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder, and he kissed my forehead. I smiled and raised my head, so my eyes locked with the blue ones. I glanced to his lips. Niall smirked and pressed them to mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard Amy cough loudly. I pulled away quickly and blushed. My sister spoke up.

''Don't make out in the car. Please. And we're here by the way.''

I looked through the window and realised we were in front of a fancy restaurant. Niall helped me out of the car and we were mobbed by fans. I grabbed Niall's hand and started walking. The fans screamed to me and my sister. 

''Aww! Amy and Harry are the cutest couple ever!''

''Chrissa go die!''

''We love you Harry and Amy!''

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