Dates, tears and kisses [Chapter 33]

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Hello guys! I just realized how much editing Be Mine needs and how awfuly long my A.N.'s are so I'm editing it now, that's why I haven't posted in a while :) But you can't judge me I'm writing 3 books, plus one shots, plus editing one, plus having a social life. And I have like millions of tests and exams now so be happy I can find time to do this :\ Sowwy guys. Fowgive me? *Batts eyelashes adorably and makes puppy dog eyes* No? Fine, I'll try and make an amazing chappie so you guys can forgive me ;) Don't forget to vote, fan, comment and send any kind of positive feedback :D xxxxxxxx



I glanced at the mirror once again nervously, kinda satisfied with how I looked. Niall was taking me on a date and didn't tell me where, he just said it was fancy. I wore a short one-strap red dress, white high heels with some red parts on the heel, a white simple bag that was not too big but not too small either, a beautiful silver bracelet with heart-shaped diamonds and a matching ring, and finally my red-black Dior sunglasses just as a disguise. My hair was wavy and it was laying on my back except for few locks on the right side that were over my shoulder. I had put only a little bit of make-up- some foundation, eye shadow and red lipstick, since according to Niall there was 'No need for me to hide my beautiful face with cake frostings.' Not that I expected him to understand. Boys and make-up simply don't go together. I took a deep breath and heard a knock on the door. My lips curled in a smile as I let my extremely handsome looking boyfriend in. When he came in his eyes widened. So did mine. He can't really fin words to describe it, but it was phenomiNiall! He was wearing a black suit that made him look insanely hot, but there was something missing and I couldn't really tell what. Suddenly it hit me. I saw him smile at me sheepishly, holding his tie in his hand. I chuckled, grabbed it and put it where it belonged. Niall's cheek turned dark red, making me laugh again.

''Aw Nialler don't be embarassed it's just a tie! Plus, that's what I'm here for, right?'' I smiled at him. He gave me a devilous look.

''Nope! You're here so I can cuddle with you and kiss you and make you laugh whenever I want!'' Niall grinned proudly.

''Awww aren't you a sweetie? Thank you!''

I kissed his cheek. He flashed me his braced smile and intertwined his fingers with mine, leading me out of the flat. We walked to a black limo and Niall opened the door for me.

''M'lady.'' I giggled as I entered the car. Niall sat next to me and put his arm behind my shoulders. 

''You're looking very attractive today, princess. What's the occasion?'' He winked, wrapping his arms around me in a flirty way. 

''Oh nothing special, a very hot guy invited me on a date and I didn't want to dissapoint him so I said yes.'' I smirked as Niall faked being hurt.

''Hot- I agree with you.'' I rolled my eyes. ''But I see how things are Christi. I see how things are.'' He pouted, making me chuckle, but I still didn't stop messing with him.

''Aw I'm sorry Nialler I didn't mean it! Fowgive me pweeze?''

I batted my eyelashes at him and gave him the puppy dog eyes. I knew he wouldn't be able to resist that. He finally gave in.

''Ugh fine. But only if you kiss me, though.''

I put my hand on the back of his head and pecked his lips gently so I don't ruin my make-up. Niall frowned.

''That's all I get?'' He gave me a dissapointed look. Aw poor guy. 

''Sorry Nialler, I can't ruin my lipstick.''

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