Girls Nights, Suprises And Unexpected Concerts [Chapter 16]

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Chappie 16 everyone!! :D I really hope you'll like it, don't forget to vote, fan and comment! Luv ya lots! xxxxx

P.S Dedicated to 1DLover1156 for being one of the sweetest persons I've ever met <3



I kept making small cuts on my left wrist until i felt dizzy. I bandaged my arm and cleaned the blood, five minutes before the girls showed up. They found me on my bed crying my eyes off. Sarah sighed, sat on the edge, next to me and patted my back. Kirsten, Kira, Claire and Maria looked worried. Lea and Zoe glared at me like I had two heads. The other two girls weren't here. I didn't care. Sarah hugged me and sighed again.

''Chris, you have to decide what you're gonna do. Get over him or go back to him.''

''But I can't do none of that. I can't get over him, because I love him so much and he's the best thing that happened to me, but I can't go back to him either, because, no matter how much I miss him a part of me doesn't want to forgive him that easily.''

''How can you be so sure it wasn't a set up?! How do you know that it's not you who's mistaking all the time?!''

She snapped. I glared at her with disbeleif. No matter how much I didn't want to hear that, she was right. I didn't know if Niall really cheated on me. And i was afraid to find out. I was just another stupid worthless coward. I wiped my tears of and lowered my head. Sarah continued to speak.

''Anyway, the first match is in four days, and you can't play like this. We have to cheer you up! We have to go shopping!!'' She exclaimed.

''Sure, it might keep him away from my mind.'' I faked a smile. The truth was, nothing could keep him away from my mind. I knew I couldn't get over him. For god's sake I couldn't even say his name, I always called him 'him'. But I couldn't let the girls know that, so I pretended happy and grinned at Sarah. The other girls nodded happily except Lea and Zoe who both looked annoyed. Lea spoke up.

''We're gonna go now. You six can party tonight.'' Sarah, Kirsten, Kira, Maria and Claire smirked deviously at me.

''GIRLS NIGHT!'' They all screamed. I laughed and we sat on the floor in circles. I didn't expect them to be friendly. I expected some spoiled daddy's girls that wanted everything their way. But these girls...they were different. They were like me. First we played 20 questions to find out more about each other. They discovered my life story, and I discovered theirs.

Sarah. She was tall, blonde, with green eyes just like mine. Actually, we had a lot in common. She lived in London with her dad, because her mom died when she was giving birth to twins, so her dad accused the babies for the woman's death, and he left them in the hospital. Sarah was only one year old back then. She grew up without a real family, her dad never re-married, and she was bullied in high-school.

Kirsten. She wasn't very tall, actually kinda shorter than me, she had short brown hair and brown eyes. She had a HUGE family - mother, father, three brothers and two sisters. Luckily, they were kinda rich. They lived in the USA. She wasn't popular, but wasn't bullied either.

Kira. Kira was tall, with long red-orange curly hair. She was from Florida. She was kinda cute, she had large blue eyes and dimples. She only had one little brother. Her parents weren't very financially strong. I was kinda sorry for the girl, 'cause she needed the money from the tournament. She was really nice, though.

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