Aria Alvarez

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I sat alone in my room, tears streaming down my face, every question bearing heavily on my shoulders. Is Alonzo, okay? Is he dead? What did they do to him? What will they do to me? Will I die?

Anxiety gnawed at my insides, and I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that lingered.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Ghost, with a haunting presence, entered. His gaze, filled with a disturbing intensity, seemed to pierce through the darkness. He sat beside me, and an unsettling sense of unease enveloped the room.

His eyes held a disturbing lust, and I instinctively moved away, trying to create a physical distance. Fear and discomfort coiled in my stomach as I felt trapped in the suffocating presence of Ghost, unsure of what would unfold next. "How are you holding up principessa."

He moves closer and closer to me placing his hand on my thigh. I place my hand over his trying to get him off. "Move your fucking hand." He spits at me lowering his head down to my chest.


Please tell me this isn't happening. He brings his head to me, hovering his lips over mine.
"Sto-" I try to say feeling claustrophobic. "Stop,"

"Please." I practially beg.

"Don't speak." He removes his lips from mine. "Now take your shirt off." He grabs the top of my shirt tugging on it.

My fingers slowly reach the bottom of my shirt holding it down as I slowly start panicking. He shakes my hand off, and does so himself. A tear slips from the corner of my eyes falling onto my cheek, the wetness from my tears send shivers all over my body.

He brings his hand over to my shoulders and squeezes them tightly. I wince at his aggressiveness "Please-" I breathe "Stop it." I attempt to beg, shutting my eyes tight.
"I told you not to fucking speak!" He yells in my face.

"Now take these off." He presses his hands to my clit that's covered with leggings. I press my lips together trying to stop my tears from falling. The only thought that runs through my head is Alonzo, I need him right now. I should've listened to him. I'm such an idiot.

"Did you fucking hear me!" He yells once again. I take my hands over to the waistband of my leggings slipping them off my legs until l'm left in only a bra and panties. I start to shiver from the air conditioner blasting on to my almost naked body. Goosebumps cover my skin, I feel like I'm going to throw up any second.

I don't want this. Not now. Not with him.

He leans over to me again pressing the palms of his hands onto mine to the point I can't get up.

My throat closes up to the thought of what's going to happen next before the door opens.

"Aria?" I hear Alonzo say his voice filled worry. I move my head so l can look at him. Relief floods my body as I close my eyes slowly breathing out with a slim smile on my face. I open my eyes to see his eyes widen seeing Ghost on top of me.

Alonzo doesn't even think once when he grabs Ghost off of me hauling him onto the floor next to me bringing his fist into his face.

Again and again until he brings him up with his hands tightly around his neck.

"You are fucking dead." Alonzo says as he keeps his hands over Ghost's neck. I watch as Ghost's face turns bright red with veins almost popping out of his forehead. He pats his hand over the floor next to him looking for a gun.

Hurriedly, I race to the bathroom and pull open the toilet seat gripping on to it in distress I tug my hair back with my other hand letting vomit course through my stomach and quickly running up straight to my throat, rushing out my mouth.

I can't stop vomiting, but each time I do, I start to feel somewhat better. Until I finally stop throwing up, I bring my self to the corner of the bathroom holding onto my knees and crying until there's no air left in my lungs.

1 almost got raped 2 minutes ago.

"ARIA!" Alonzo yells from the other side of the door. "Come in." I manage to say from the tears trapped in my throat. He bolts into the bathroom running to me as he soon places his knees on the hard floor. His hair is sticking onto his sweaty forehead, l've never been able to study Alonzo from this close to me before, and  being able to look at him for this long. It feels kind of...comforting?

I look down seeing his knuckles covered with blood. Don't tell me he murdered him?

He sees my reaction to the blood and wipes his hands on his sweatpants before bringing his warm hands to my face. "You're okay now-"

"You're okay here, with me." He continues with tears in his eyes. "It's all my fault. I'm so stupid." I break out in tears again. He has a small frown on his face while putting his arms around me. I cave in when I put my head into his chest soaking his jersey with tears.

"You are the farthest thing from stupid. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Trust me, Love." He holds my head up as we stare at each-other with our eyes both teary. He's crying? He's crying for me.

"I was so scared" I weep into his chest once again. "I saw the fear in your face. But you don't have to worry anymore." He tries to give me a sincere smile. "Why are you crying?" I question him. "The same thing happened to my mom. I also saw the fear in her eyes. And I never wanted to witness that again." He gradually calms down.

"I'm so sorry."

"This isn't about me. Don't worry about me. I'm completely fine." He says soothingly.

"Alonzo?" I look at him with his arms still wrapped around me. "Yes, Love." And right there I have the urge to tell him something I don't usually tell anybody.

The only one who I've ever told is Melissa. "I'm-" I pause feeling nervous. "You're what, love?" He tilts his head. "I'm a virgin." I sputter out. "That's why I was so petrified." he opens his eyes wide in shock. "I know. It's embarras-" He cuts me off.

"Embarrassing?" He stops for a second. "Do you think that could even change how people see you."

"You're perfect, Zara. Inside and out." I smile from the amount of affection I'm receiving. Why is he so nice? "Well. I like being a virgin. Why should I hand myself over to someone so easily?" I shrug. "I believe that one day, you will find someone you love and you will be willing to give them your all. Any man would be lucky to have you."

"You think so?" I frown. "I know so." He assured me holding my face tight. "What did you do with Ghost?" I question. "He's dealt with. You won't see him again." He tells me as he massages my head with his soft hands roaming through my hair calming me down. Releasing all the stress from my body. "I find it funny." I laugh. "What's funny about this?"

"How I just met you and I've been horrible to you and you're here for me." I make out a smile. "Horrible? You risked your life for me, love. I'd stand in front of a bullet a million times just to repay you for that." And suddenly I feel a flood of random attachment to him. I don't get attached easily, but him. He feels different.

Here I am breaking down in Alonzo Auclairs arms in my bra and panties.
And I really don't give a shit.

I needed someone.
And he was that someone.

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