Aria Alvarez

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"Please let me go!" I scream as I'm dragged back inside by my hair.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Never going to happen, you fucking whore."

I struggle in his grip, kicking a screaming, hoping someone will hear my desperate please for help.

"No one will help you Aria. Unless I get given what I want you'll have to obey me, or you will find your life here very unpleasant."

I huff in defeat as I finally halt my struggle, just wanting him to let me go and leave me be. But he doesn't, in fact, he lifts me up over his shoulder, and I once again have to resort to violence. "Let me the fuck down, or I swear-"

"I thought you said you would have this under control?" A familiar voice interrupts me and the whole house goes silent. Ghost turns to meet the person behind us, and as he does, I catch a glimpse of the face of a dead man.

"Mykell, what the fuck are you doing here?"

I hear Mykell chuckle. They are both sick bastards.

"I came to check on you, and it seems it is a good thing I did." I can hear the sly smile across Mykell's lips, and it takes everything in me not to scream profanities aimed at him.

"Everything is fine." Ghost seethes. "Nothing I didn't expect."

I slam my fist into Ghost's back, earning a groan. But almost as quickly, I feel a swat on my head, and I let out a squeak.

"It seems Aria doesn't appreciate being kidnapped and taken from her home. You should've taken my advice and just killed her in front of him, maybe he'd realise he's no better than his father." Mykell says.

I clench my fists, and feel my whole body turn to flames. "Fuck the both of you! You're both pricks and deserve to die painfully!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"She sure does have a feisty spirit. I didn't think she had it in here." I hear Mykell's footsteps
approach me, and I see him in the corner of my eye, walking towards me.

"I think you'll find I'm full of surprises." I hiss right before landing a hard kick into Ghost's
chest. His grip loosens and I wiggle out of his arms forcefully, dropping to the ground and taking many steps backwards, away from the both of them.

Ghost stares at me, a look of shock, quickly masked by anger. Mykell however, looks amused, with a wide grin on his face. How I would love to wipe it off.

Both the men stare at my body making me feel dirty and objectified. Suddenly I'm very cold. I don't say anything, but maintain my distance from the men, hoping by some miracle, they will just leave.

"Mr Romano, one of the shipments has been-" A new man walks into the room, finally ending the stare off between me and the two men, high on testosterone.

I feel slightly pity for the men here, as it looks like Alonzo might just rip their head off, whenever he arrives.

"Is this important?" Ghost growls. The man's face is unreadable, masked carefully. He wears a suit, opposite of Mykell, and Alonzo. Why does everyone dress so formal? "Yes sir. We've tried to contain the problem but-"

"Prepare a car for me, and I want a guard stationed, watching over Aria." Ghost commands before walking from the room, only to stop. "And Mykell?"

"Yes boss?"

"I want Alonzo here by midnight or I will rip your eyeballs off." And with that, Ghost leaves the room. Leaving me alone with the guard and Mykell who looks slightly petrified, but just as everyone else, he hides it well.

Mykell storms off, anger radiating from him. I'm left with the guard who murmurs into his ear, and I notice an ear piece. It's like these men are spies.

Within seconds I hear a set of footsteps heading down the corridor towards us, and into the room, steps another guard. The two men briefly acknowledge each other before the first man leaves, off to wherever Ghost went I suppose.

Great, now what the fuck am I supposed to do?

"Mr Romano has ordered that you return to your room." The man says, as he takes menacing steps towards me. I will not have another man touch me.

As he reaches for me, I dodge him swiftly. "I can walk myself." I hiss. Pursing his lips, the man frowns, but nods. I'm taken back to the torture room, being shoved inside. As soon as the door closes, I hear the click of a lock.

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