Alonzo Auclair

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I watched her as she continued serving the people. She looked really fragile standing between all these sharks. Some men were looking at her with lust while some were undressing her with their eyes. Some even tried to touch her hand while she served. She looked uncomfortable.

I just wanted to cut their hands off with their eyeballs and feed the rest to the lions. Yes I have been sitting here for an hour and staring at her but I was certainly not undressing her. I was here for business.

Suddenly a waitress bumps into me. "I'm so sorry sir.", I quickly brush over her since I promised Aria I wouldn't let her leave my eyesight. But I failed, the moment I looked over again, she was nowhere to be seen.

I stood my ground and ran to where I last saw her. She wasn't to be spotted. Only till when a code door was closing behind me with a slight creak. I hold the door with my feet managing to stop it from locking. I sneaked inside, quickly but silently. I wouldn't want her life to be endangered.

I heard some yelling from a meter ahead. This time I ran, as fast as I could. My guess was right.

He held her up to the wall by her thighs. Yelling right into her face. She couldn't keep the play up anymore. He was closing the gap between them.

That's it.

I punch him square on his nose and hear a crack. He falls but with him, she loses balance and lands on the floor. "Aria, are you okay?"

"Barely but yes."

"Alonz-?" I kicked him once more in his temple to make him lose consciousness, I learned it in biology. "Act normal as we walk out," I explained to her. And she did exactly that. Nothing else is expected from a straight so-called good girl.

"Let's dance." my head shot up in her direction. "We came here as a couple, we're supposed to act like one." lost for words I nodded and guided her onto the dance floor.

As she narrowly avoids stomping the life out of one man's foot with her sky bridge heels, she
spun just in time to see the door where we left Ghost's dead body close.

"You've done well today.", she let out a light chuckle replying, "We didn't win anything."

"Why are you so sure?" She laughed again, and let her head fall forward to rest on my shoulder as the orchestra eases the waltz smoothly into a lulling lyrical piece. The air around the two of us felt gentle and still. At this moment, it doesn't feel like a precariously-planned supply mission.

Her mind clings to my hand grasping hers, to my arms around her, and the slight warmth of my breath moving her hair. I felt relaxed, swaying, my eyes closed as I rest my cheek against her hair.

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