Aria Alvarez

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The bright white lights of the hospital room blinded me as I slowly blinked my eyes open. I could hear the sound of beeping machines and the faint chatter of nurses in the background. My head was throbbing with pain and I tried to lift my hand to touch it, only to realize that I couldn't move my arm.

Panic set in as I frantically looked around the room, trying to make sense of what was happening. I saw tubes and wires attached to my body and a heart monitor beeping steadily next to me. My breathing became shallow and quick as I tried to remember what had happened.

Just then, a nurse entered the room and saw me awake. She rushed over to me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Mrs. Alvarez, you're awake. How are you feeling?" the nurse asked with a warm smile.
My mind was racing, trying to piece together the events that led me to this hospital room. "W-what happened?" I managed to stutter out.

The nurse's expression turned sympathetic as she took a deep breath. "You were shot, Mrs. Alvarez. You've been in a coma for two weeks now."

Aria's eyes widened in shock and I felt a lump form in my throat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Shot? Where's my husband, Alonzo? Is he okay?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The nurse's expression softened even more as she gently held my hand. "The gunshot reached your heart miss, we had to commit an emergency surgery and needed a heart transplant."

"We were able to find no one. He stepped forward...I am so sorry."

My heart felt like it had stopped beating. I couldn't believe that he was gone. Tears started streaming down my face as I cried out for him.

"Alonzo! No, no, this can't be happening!" I screamed, my voice filled with pain and grief. The nurse tried to calm me down, but I couldn't stop crying. It was then that I noticed a small envelope on the bedside table with my name on it. The nurse handed it to me and I opened it with trembling hands.

Inside was a handwritten letter from Alonzo. As I read his words, my heart felt like it was breaking all over again. He had left me a letter before his surgery, knowing that I would eventually wake up and need his words to comfort me.

My hand flew to my chest as I felt the beating of my new heart.

The nurse revealed that he had made sure to leave a letter for me, knowing that I would be devastated without him.

Dear Aria,

As I sit here writing this letter to you, my heart aches knowing that it may be the last time I get to express my love for you. I never thought I would have to say goodbye to you so soon, my love.

I remember the day we first met, I know it might've been on the rooftop for you. But for me it was a few years back. Summer camp? Hope that makes you recall something. 

I remember how your hair shone in the sun and how your laughter filled the air. You were everything I was not, and I couldn't help but be drawn to you.

I was always there, watching you from a distance. I watched as people betrayed you, but you never let that harden your heart. You always offered them a smile in return, and that's something I could never understand. But it touched something deep inside me.

My heart still yearned for you. Especially knowing that he was not treating you how you deserved to be treated. Oh, how I wanted you to fall asleep in my arms, only if we could have done that one more time.

But fate had a different plan for us, my love. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I had to. I know it's not a guarantee, and there's a chance that it may not work. But I am willing to take that chance, my love. Please don't hate me for this, my love. Don't restrain yourself. Go find someone, living in loneliness guts you from the inside out. 

I want you to know that even though I may not be physically present, my love for you will never die. It will live on through you, in your heart, and I will always be with you, watching over you.

And I will continue to love you, even in death.

I told you I'd love you till my last breath, didn't I?



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