Aria Alvarez

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It took me nine hours and thirty-five minutes to process the events that took place last night. Putting my life at risk was the last thing on my mind. He smelled so damn good. Not like our average Princeton drug dealer.

School starts in about thirty minutes and I'm looking for my favorite perfume which I haven't used for over a month. All because my stupid fake boyfriend is coming to pick me up.

"Aria Alvarez!" The voice came through louder than it should've due the open window. I peeked through hoping I wouldn't get caught.

He was there, looking so flawlessly handsome. It didn't look as if he was trying to look like that. The giveaway was his non-combed messy hair and the comfortable outfit that looked like he just got up for an evening of pizza and games.

Quite the opposite of me. I exuded power and sophistication in a tailored black pantsuit that fitted me like a second skin. The blazer boasts a sharp, structured silhouette, cinched at the waist to accentuate my form. Beneath it, I wore a crisp, white button-up shirt, its collar peeking out confidently from the lapels. Completing the look, I opts for polished black oxford shoes, projecting an air of confidence and assertiveness that matches the sharp lines of my ensemble. I straightened my hair to its fullest limits when it was crying for me to stop and save itself from the heat damage. Hell, I even wore a bright gloss.

"Hey Alonzo.", barely any voice came out. So I spoke again hoping he didn't notice my voice crack, "This is our ride?"

He patted his sports bike, as he talked, "If that's what you please. Preferably, I could also carry you in my arms."

I rolled my eyes at his attempt at sarcasm. And as I thought I was instructed was about to sit behind him. He put a stop to my quest as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in front of him again. He swiftly swiped his finger across my lips.

"Don't wear lip gloss again. You look better without."

God, this boy is gonna be the end of me.

"I'll wear it if I damn want to." why am I acting this way. I want him to kiss this lip gloss off me.

"Your boyfriend demands it."

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