Aria Alvarez

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If I had one good guess I'd say it's around 10 pm. The only sound that's keeping me from thinking I died is the footsteps marching outside my room.

Every 10 minutes a different male walked in. All of them had the same armament and were wearing red colored suits which made them look a bit funky. They opened the door, looked around the room, and left the room leaving me all alone again.

Suddenly there came a tapping, followed by the sound of keys bumping into each other. The door unlocked itself with a slight creak that made me jump out of the bed I was sitting on. A man entered the door without uttering a word he made his way toward me. "You need to come with me.", he reached for my wrist and dragged me with him. "Excuse me, do I not get a say in this?"

I was thrown onto a hard wooden floor. I furiously looked up expecting to yell at the man who just threw me. But I was surprised by something completely unexpected.

My eyes widening in shock as I saw Alonzo on his knees, bloodied and worn out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my mind struggling to make sense of the situation.

My heart ached as I took in his battered appearance.

Ghost, stood beside me with a smirk on his face, clearly enjoying the sight of Alonzo in pain. My mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to help Alonzo, but I was at a loss. I was trapped in this house, with no way to escape or call for help.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched Alonzo struggle to get up, his body trembling with exhaustion. I could see the determination in his eyes, and it only made me worry for him even more. I wanted to reach out and help him, to somehow ease his pain, but I was paralyzed with fear.

I couldn't understand why I cared so much about Alonzo, a messed up someone who I barely knew. But in that moment, all I could think about was him.

Ghost looks at me with a sinister smile and pulls out a gun. "Save yourself, principessa. Right in his heart." he says, pointing the gun at Alonzo. I know he's not bluffing. He's a dangerous man, and he won't hesitate to hurt me if I don't do as he says.

But I can't do it. I can't shoot Alonzo. Despite everything, I can't harm him. I see the pain in his eyes, and it breaks my heart. I can't believe I'm even considering it, but I don't want to lose him. I don't want to see him hurt.

I turn to Ghost and shake my head. "I can't do it," I say, my voice trembling. "I won't shoot him."Ghost's smile turns into a scowl, and he grabs me by the arm. "Fine. Then I'll do it myself," he says, raising the gun towards Alonzo.

But before he can pull the trigger, Alonzo speaks up. "Wait. Just let Aria go. She doesn't deserve to be here," he says, his voice weak but determined.

I step in front of Alonzo, shielding him from Ghost. "No. I won't let you hurt him," I say, my voice shaking with fear and emotion.

"Aria don't be stupid." he says, as he spits the blood that was building up in his mouth on the floor. "Me? Stupid? You're risking your life here!" I scoff.

Alonzo looks up at me and smiles weakly. "You have a bright future ahead of you, love," he says, his words sending shivers down my spine.

Ghost was standing straight behind us, watching this act. "Touching but not convincing. I'm dissapointed." he sighs as he walks behind Alonzo, my eyes following his trails. He grabs onto Alonzo's hoodie as he speaks "11 men." everyone looks his way in confusion. "11 men you made me lose just in the span of 10 minutes." my eyes slightly began zooming out. Alonzo just killed...11 men, on his own. And yet, I felt no fear towards him. 

"I would have killed you if you had given me a second more." he smirks, while he was on the floor. Looking all drained out, he still found the energy to lift up the corner of his mouth.

And without wasting a minute there he was, pressing his gun onto Alonzo's already open wound.I could see the pain in Alonzo's eyes, but he refused to give Ghost the satisfaction of hearing him scream. I knew he had been trained to tolerate pain, being the part of a gang. But seeing him like this, it was evident that even Alonzo had his limits.

Ghost chuckled as he continued to press the gun harder onto Alonzo's wound, relishing in the pain he was causing. I wanted to scream, to beg Ghost to stop, but I knew it would only make things worse for Alonzo. So I stood there, silently watching, my heart breaking with every passing second.

But even in this dire situation, Alonzo's eyes never left mine. It was almost as if he was trying to reassure me, to tell me that he would be okay.

After painful minutes he finally stopped. A true sicko. Each time he pressed harder onto it, the smile on his face grew. He took a few steps away from Alonzo, throwing the gun towards one of his guards, as he perfectly rounded his hands up to catch it. "Take both of them away." he says as he finds a cloth nearby to wipe his hands away.

Alonzo, his face etched with pain, was being forcefully dragged away, leaving a trail of blood on the ground. Desperation clawed at my chest as I screamed, the echoes of my pleas filling the air.

He was being dragged away furthur as they had now started pulling me in the opposite direction. Creating a massive gap between us. I had no idea where they were heading towards, while I had a hunch about mine. 

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