Aria Alvarez

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I felt a rush of excitement and nervousness as I stood at the altar, holding onto Alonzo's hand. I couldn't believe that this was finally happening - I was about to marry the love of my life.

The priest's words echoed in my ears, "You may now kiss the bride." my heart skipped a beat as Alonzo leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

But suddenly, chaos erupted. A loud bang echoed through the church, followed by screams and gasps from the guests. I turned to see what was happening and that's when I felt a searing pain in my chest. I looked down to see blood spreading across my white wedding dress. My mind couldn't process what was happening. I had been shot.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I collapsed to the ground. I could hear Alonzo's panicked voice, but it sounded distant, as if I was underwater. I could see the worried faces, but they seemed blurry and far away.

But then, I felt Alonzo's arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I could feel his tears on my face as he whispered words which I could not make any sense of. Alonzo's face contorted in shock and fear. I looked around, trying to make sense of the situation. And then I saw him - Ghost.
I felt a mix of fear and anger. How could he ruin my wedding day like this? I struggled to stay conscious as I saw Alonzo reach for the gun tucked in his pants. I wanted to scream.

But before I could say anything, I saw Alonzo aim the gun at Ghost and pull the trigger. I watched as Ghost fell to the ground, a look of shock on his face. And then everything went black.

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