Aria Alvarez

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As I looked around the chaotic room, Alonzo walked in with a smile on his face, after looking things through around the hosue.

"How are you holding up?" he asks, giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Everything looks great out there."

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled back. "Thanks, but I still have so much to do."

"Don't worry, it'll all come together," he reassured me, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

I nodded, feeling a little better. As we finished up the final touches, our closer circle started to arrive. There was laughter and chatter filling the room as everyone caught up with each other. Soon before Jaydon arrived as well. He immediately started getting on tables, yelling across the room before his gaze met mine.

"Hi Aria," he said, flashing me a cocky smile. "Looking beautiful as always."

I forced a smile and greeted him, trying to stay as far away from him as possible. I felt Alonzo's grip on me tighten "There's green stuck between your teeth." Jaydon immediately closed his cheeky smile and started poking around. Alonzo guided me back to the living room to get me away from the crowded space but before I knew it, we were all sitting in a circle playing truth or dare. Alonzo and I were next to each other, but on the other side sat Jaydon.

"And then he spoke up –" I began, before being cut off by Jaydon.

"Let's play truth or dare," he said, challenging Alonzo with a look in his eyes. "Alonzo, my guy. Truth or dare."

I looked over to Alonzo seeing him not so amused. He put his glass filled with drinks back down and looked over at Alonzo. And so, the game began. Our friends took turns daring each other to do silly tasks, but as the game went on, I could sense the tension rising between Alonzo and Jaydon. It was clear that Jaydon was trying to show off and prove that he was better which was so delusional on his point. Somwhere in the beginning I was also pulled onto Alonzo's lap giving me severe flashbacks.

As the game went on, Jaydon's dares became more and more inappropriate, making everyone uncomfortable. 

"Aria, I dare you to kiss me." My heart dropped. What the hell was wrong with him. I invited him so I had no extra shade to deal with and here he's making me regret every single decision I've made in the past few hours. I could feel Alonzo's eyes burning into my soul, which also added an extra amount of pressure. He should be looking at him, not me.

"No, thank you. I'll drink." but Jaydon didn't give up. He persistently kept asking me to kiss him, while Alonzo was slowly losing his cool. I could see the veins popping out of his forehead, and I knew he was about to explode.

"C'mon sunshine, you know-" without any warning, Alonzo stood up and punched Jaydon in the face, causing him to stumble back and fall down. The room fell silent as we all stared at Jaydon, who now had a bloody nose. Serves him sooo damn right.

Tempers flared. Everyone started screaming and cheering on. The least crowded place now became the most crowded one, everyone filled up in the room jumping over eachother.

In the midst of all the chaos, a guy who was cheering on the table, clearly drunk, dropped his drink. Right on Alonzo. The room once again fell silent. 

"Fucking hell." I pushed throught he crowd immediately taking his Alonzo's hand and led him away from the commotion. As we arrived in my room upstairs I made him sit on my bed as I went and searched for an extra piece of clothing for him to wear. Not one word has come out of him yet. His eyes are following me around through the space, I could feel his gaze of me, piercing through me. No words.

I shuffled through the multiple closets searching for a shirt that would fit him. Dresses, tops, more dresses, more tops. Bingo.

No bingo.

Maybe bingo?

I came across Jaydon's older sweater. Jaydon is downstairs with a bloody nose. Alonzo is sitting on my bed. This shirt on Alonzo? I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to give Alonzo the shirt. But then, it's better than nothing and he really needed to change. I quickly grabbed the shirt and turned to Alonzo, finding him standing shirtless in the middle of my room.

My heart skipped a beat as I struggled to keep my eyes from wandering across his toned chest. I handed him the shirt and tried to focus on something else while he changed, but it was no use. All I could think about was how much I wanted to run my hands over his bare skin.

"Who's is it?" ...

"It's mine now." I replied.

"Who's was it?"


He looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

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