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Eloise was wandering around the beach house. She was really curious by nature and she just wanted to get used to her new home. Her mommy and Tony were doing some work on paper so they could be her "legal guardians" since there was no record of her real parents. That was okay with her though, she liked her new parents! Suddenly she walked past a room that had a faint green glow inside and she pushed the door open to see the floating cloak resting right next to a golden locket of some kind. There was a bright emerald stone in the center, and it intrigued the girl further. "So pretty..." she mumbled as she picked it up. Maybe mommy would think the necklace was pretty too! The blonde put the green over her neck and suddenly felt the floor shift. "Whoa…"

Stephen perked up in alarm when he felt the shake. "Anthony did you feel that?" He turned to his husband with concern. Before he could let Tony answer the sorcerer, Speed walked away, hurrying to what he thinks might be the cause of that shake. Eventually reaching the room he left his magical necklace and cloak. "Cloak were you-" Strange gasped when he saw Eloise with his magical belongings. "Eloise take that off now! Please!"

"Stephen! What's going on?" the mechanic called as he followed behind him, having an iron suit follow just in case there was trouble. When he entered the room behind his wife he understood why and gasped as well. "Cloak why didn't you stop her?!" he snapped as Eloise turned in surprise. "But mother, don't you think this necklace is pretty? Its so green like seaweed, and it shines so bright!" Tony felt panicked. Oh, this was gonna turn out bad if she accidentally unleashed catastrophic power. She could kill them all! "Cmon Ellie, please just take it off..." The blonde frowned but obeyed Tony and pulled it off, and flinched when Stephen quickly snatched it away. "What's wrong, mother?..."

Stephen didn't mean to be harsh when taking the eye off but it had to be done fast. In the wrong hands something terrible could happen, not that Eloise would mean for anything terrible to come to anyone. It's better that someone who knows what they're doing with such power should take control. "This isn't a regular necklace sweetie...see.." the sorcerer crouched down in front of her. "I'm a sorcerer, or if you want to see it how my husband does then wizard. I can do things that involve magic, but it's a very powerful magic that must be treated with thought and care...now this-'' he gestured to the necklace. "Is very important and must be only worn by me. There's a powerful stone inside and it can't be used carelessly. Dire consequences will happen if using this so much...now promise me you won't ever touch it again..please" Strange held the little girl protectively and with care. "I don't want anything happening to you .."

Eloise felt shocked learning all that. Her mommy was a sorcerer wizard person? What did that mean? Was he dangerous or maybe if she stepped out of line again he would make her sorry... Stephen suddenly felt as if he was hugging air as the blonde turned transparent and ran through him to hide behind Tony instead whose eyes widened slightly and he sighed as he gave Stephen an apologetic look. "Hey hey, you don't have to be afraid..." the brunette said as gently as he could and tried to pick her up. Eloise looked frightened as she turned physical again and was lifted into Tony's arms. She didn't want to cross Stephen again if he could throw magic at her! "I-I'm sorry..." she whispered and hugged tony tightly instead. "It's okay, now you know, okay? Like we've said before, we're not gonna hurt you..." Eloise nodded against his shoulder and reached for Stephen shakily, making grabby hands at him, wanting to give him an apology look.

"It's okay sweetheart..." Stephen went over and held Eloise again, stroking her hair. "Mommy won't ever use magic badly on you...only good magic" he smiled softly at his daughter and to assure her that whatever she's fearing won't come true. The sorcerer made some blue butterflies appear around them, the small insects glowing slightly by their wings.

Eloise's expression brightened as she gazed wondrously at the butterflies that engulfed them. She giggled and reached out to touch one, feeling much better seeing the pretty bugs. Tony smiled slightly as well, but more to himself. Seeing them reminded him of their wedding– the happy parts of their wedding, that is. And a long time ago when he had gone back to the tower and lived there with Stephen... Whenever he came home there was a chance the brunette could see then again. It was the day Tony had first asked Stephen to marry him, and they had danced together, floating over the city... The memories made the mechanic feel a little teary all of a sudden and he slipped out for a moment and he wiped his eyes. Those butterflies meant more to him than he thought... Every time he saw them they meant something important. This time, it meant Eloise. His Eloise. His little girl…

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