The Wedding

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Tony woke up the next morning feeling terrified. Stephen was gone of course- after all seeing the bride on the day of the wedding was bad luck, and the couple needed all the luck they could get! So Tony took his time getting ready that day and soon everything was set up and guests were arriving. It was so much the wedding he was worried about as the fact that their honeymoon started that day. They would take Tony's fastest jet to France and-... who knows what would happen then. He just hoped that anything exciting they did together wouldn't trigger him, but he was feeling so self-conscious he didn't know what to do with himself!

"Gosh I'm really nervous..." Stephen paced around the room in his white suit. Jericho, Aka Doctor Voodoo, was using his own sorcery to help Strange with his cat situation. "You will be just fine" Jericho assures as he shook his staff and poof, the doctor was no longer part cat. The ravenette looked at himself in the mirror, oh Tony will definitely be relieved but he still wore the veil to make his appearance a surprise. Wong then placed a hand on Strange's shoulder. "You two have gone through a lot".  "Surely you can handle the most beautiful day of your life" Talisman gave a soft smile and handed Stephen the bouquet. "You look amazing Stephen" Wiccan began. "You're gonna make heads turn". Strange felt a little more confident about this. "Yeah I think I can do this...I can!" Clea stood next to Strange and wrapped an arm around him. "Then what're you waiting for? Go out there and get him in the ol ball and chain!" The sorcerers all gave a big hug to Stephen. Eventually Wong and Strange being the first to leave the room so the others can find their seats. 

Tony was standing shakily at the altar with Happy there beside him as best man. He could feel himself getting weaker in the knees and he feared that a snap from all this stress was on the rise. What was taking so long? Did Stephen abandon ship and leave with some pretty guest lady or something? He knew he was overthinking things but Tony being Tony couldn't help it and the fear made him want to cry. Happy glanced at him and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "You're just nervous, buddy. Don't worry about a thing, nothing can go wrong today." Tony took deep long breaths and almost choked when he caught sight of Stephen moving towards him down the aisle. The cat problem was obviously resolved, but he looked so... so... "Breathtaking..." he murmured to himself as he felt all his worries for the moment vanish, though he knew he'd be back to square one once they were in Paris.

The sorcerers pitched in on making everything look magical. Stephen's appearance seemed sparkly while some flowers blossomed from the sides of the room and sprites flew around. Strange was soon by Tony's side and smiling shyly from underneath his veil. He couldn't believe he was going to be this man's wife. The sorcerer's heart beats fast as the warm feeling grows.

Tony's heart was also hammering in his chest, making him feel dizzy. Would he hold out long enough? Gosh he hoped so... He wanted to make everything today about Stephen, and he was going to do everything in his power to make it the most wonder, magical, perfect day of both of their lives. "Oh wow... you look... heavenly, Stephen..." the mechanic whispered as he took his hands gently. "Absolutely beguiling..."

"Thank you look handsome yourself..." Strange replied quietly. Eventually the sweet sounds of what I do was said by both. The magical sprites flew and helped lift the front of Stephens veil to reveal his sweet and happy face. The sorcerer had some tears falling but the smile was still present. He couldn't wait for them to kiss and seal their love. When that moment came the ravenette started to lean in. There were even some bright lights that seemed to resemble shooting stars appearing above them, of course it would have no effect if it touched anything. 

Tony feared that his knees might give out and he'd fall over and ruin everything, but he wrapped his arms around his sweet lover and pulled him closer into a passionate kiss, sealing them together forever and ever. And he didn't even fall! The thought made the brunette grin as their kiss lingered and the crowd cheered enthusiastically for them. There was so much that was said between them as their lips collided then slowly drew apart. Before Stephen could say a breathless word Tony was pulling him down to the dance floor and swept him into a nice slow dance- their very first as a married couple. "Hey, I actually have a little surprise for you..." the mechanic whispered as he gazed into those magnificent stormy gray eyes. "How would you like a honeymoon in Paris? I know, I know, pretty cliche but I thought it was the only destination befitting of a wonderful wife like you..."

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