Could this be better?

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Tony was laying down on a soft plaid blanket, setting it up for a nice little picnic on the beach cliff side with Stephen. He had gone to the town nearby to restock the food for the vaca house, so Tony had been waiting a good 20 minutes. He sighed and rolled onto his back to stare at the sky.

Soon enough Stephen returned and had organized what he bought and left out whatever was needed for the picnic. He smiled as he started to walk to where Tony was. Never expecting his life to turn out this way, he loved it.

Tony sighed and closed his eyes, feeling the warm freeze caress his skin. He sighed happily and felt that his life had never been more complete with Stephen here for him. He just wished he would hurry up, Tony was desperate for kisses!

Stephen's smile grew as he got closer to Tony. Sitting down next to him on the blanket. "Hello Anthony" he leaned down and gave the mechanic a kiss on the cheek.

Tony scrunched up his face and pouted as he opened his eyes to gaze up at his most favorite sight in the world. “Scandalous, Stephen... it’s almost like you’re afraid to kiss me like a man should,” he almost broke into a smile as he struggled to keep a pouty face.

Stephen chuckled softly and leaned down again. "You're so cute Anthony.." he mumbled before having his lips meet the mechanics in a sweet kiss.

Tony reached up and ran a hand through his soft curls, fisting it softly on the nape of his neck to pull him further down. He batted his eyelashes at him as he sat up again then pushed himself onto his knees. “So, what have you brought me today?”

Stephen kissed Tony's cheek and took out from a bag some candy, flowers from his shop which he chose the prettiest he had and a bear. "I hope it's not too much," he smiled shyly. 

Tony grinned and took the presents, feeling childish but happy. He gave Stephen a gentle kiss as a sign of thanks. “They’re perfect...” he blushed and smiled. “Now I’m hungry, so feed me what you’ve got,” he giggled.

Stephen laughed a bit. "So demanding" he joked as he took out some sandwiches and a pie for after. "I did my best, things are difficult since my hands tend to shake" he said while making sure everything, along with drinks, were in place.

Tony smiled more excitedly and took the sandwich that was for him, munching on it thoughtfully. “Mmm! These are actually really good!” He said with a mouth half full. He bounced on his bent knees slightly, making him feel slightly childish too, but it just helped to express how happy he was.

Stephen was relieved that the sandwiches were good and was very happy that Tony was happy. "I'm glad you like them," he smiled brightly. The mechanic was truly adorable in Strange's eyes.

Tony finished it quickly and burped slightly. “Whoops, excuse me!” He laughed and laid back down, resting his head in Strange’s lap. He then gazed up at him happily. “I love you so much...” 

"And I love you..." Stephen looked down at his boyfriend and caressed his cheek. "My dear sweet Anthony.." he smiled.

Tony blushed then sat up to face him, resting on his knees once more. His face was blazing as he looked into Stephen’s eyes with determination. “H-How much do you love me?”

"So much that it's hard to describe but I love you with all my heart" Stephen smiled sweetly at the mechanic and gently placed his hand on the the brunette's

Tony seemingly blushed more and looked down at their hands instead of having to look him in the eyes. "That's a very good thing to hear..." He then laid back down and glanced at Stephen. "You aren't very shy, are you? Would you kiss me more if I asked?" He smiled a little sheepishly. "I love the taste of your lips... it's sweet and honest..."

Stephen chuckled softly and leaned down. "You don't have to ask.." he gave a tony a quick kiss. "Your lips are pretty addictive to resist..." He mumbled and kissed the mechanic again this time a longer one.

Tony smiled more in relief and didn't want him to pull away and end it so soon, so he wrapped his arms around his neck and gently brought him closer. He broke apart for a moment to breathe and gazed at him with his bambi eyes. "No one's ever told me that before..."

"Perhaps it's time someone did.." Stephen gently caressed Tony's cheek and looked into his eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful...I can look at them all day, as for your voice it's like music to my ears.." he said smoothly.

Tony bit his lip slightly, feeling flattered and awed at Stephen's compliments. In the back of his mind, he remembered being seduced by flattery... it wasn't a great time in his life, and the reminder made him sadder than he would've liked. He sat up and looked down with a heavy sigh. "O-Oh... thanks..."

Stephen noticed the bit of change in Tony's expression and looked at him with concern. Strange frowned slightly, "Was it something I said..?" Maybe he shouldn't have said that, could've been too forward or maybe it came out wrong. 

Tony shook his head. "No, no it wasn't what you said... I'm just thinking about something I probably shouldn't...." He hugged himself tight and tried to shake the memories out of his head, but they only seemed to come back stronger, like attempting to ward off an old nightmare.

"Oh..." Stephen wrapped his arms around the mechanic and kissed his head. "It's okay....try not to think about it so much, focus on voice ...I'm sure whatever it is won't happen not while I'm around to keep you happy and well protected.."

"I know it wouldn't... I know you would never do that... right?..." Tony looked up at him, feeling guilty for questioning his goodness but also fearful that this was what Stephen wanted out the relationship they had. "You would never try to take advantage of me..."

Stephen cupped Tony's cheek and had the mechanic look at him. "Don't ever think of such a thing. I love you Anthony with all my heart and soul. It is the truth and nothing but the truth. I am yours and only yours, I don't ever want anyone else. You're everything to me as it is and I don't want to lose my everything...I love you dearly..." He caressed the brunette's cheek. "Don't ever forget that.." he whispered.

Tony inhaled involuntarily and felt like he could cry of happiness hearing those beautiful promises Stephen had given him. He wrapped his arms around him tightly, feeling loved and yet so in love at the same time, the feeling was almost too much. "Thank you Stephen..." he whispered and held him tighter. "I love you and all I want is forever with you..."

"And forever we will have..." Stephen held Tony back. "I promise.." 

Tony finally smiled with all the happiness he felt. "I'm counting on that..."

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