Midday Swim

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Tony was waist deep in the rolling ocean, feeling like a cool dip into the churning water might help soothe his previous anxiety attack and clear his mind for Stephen to come home. No one lived around the secluded cliffs of the beachhouse, so a quick skinny dip to himself would be harmless if anything. He waded out a little further, digging his feet into the squishy sand below the dark surface of the water and sighed heavily, willing relaxation to come to him.

Stephen made a portal to the sandy beach and saw Tony was a few feet away in the water. He watched with a smile at how relaxed his boyfriend seemed to be. Strange used his magic and changed his outfit but kept the cloak on. The sorcerer covered himself with the cloak and floated over the water to the mechanic. "Someone looks Beautifully relaxed" 

Tony opened his eyes slowly to gaze up at Stephen and wished that trying to relax wasn't so stressful to him, but he gave him a little smile, not bothered at all that he didn't have any clothing on. "Well, I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon..." he said in a softer voice as the waves rolled against his chest and the reactor. "Care to join me? Or do you have other things to do..."

The cloak uncovered Stephen and showed that the sorcerer was only in swimming shorts. "I'd love to" he looked at the mechanic with flirtatious eyes. Strange fell in the water the moment the cloak let go, flying away from the water. Stephen raised up from the water majestically, his head tilted back as his hair flicked back. Looking like someone straight out of a movie. 

Tony swallowed and looked down into the water instead, feeling too flustered to watch this perfection unfold in front of him. It was only pure luck that a man like Stephen had even given him a second glance... “You’re beautiful. So lovely...” he whispered as he slowly raised his eyes to look at him again, feeling heat in his cheeks. “Perfect...”

"I'm looking at something far more beautiful.." Stephen swam closer to Tony. "Absolutely stunning.." he leaned as his hand cupped the mechanic's cheek. Ready to kiss those lips he loves from the man he adores. 

Tony looked away, feeling more than undeserving of his praise, and cursed himself for accepting the compliments. He didn’t deserve to feel beautiful... he didn’t deserve any of this, and yet here he was, basking in the love of a man who could do better. Anyone was better than Tony Stark, after all. “You’re very sweet to tell me all these nice things all the time... thank you...”

Stephen figured Tony didn't want to kiss him so he just pulled away. "My words are true Anthony, I'll always mean them.." he swam back a bit. "So how long have you been out here?" Strange looked in the mechanics direction.

“Maybe a couple hours... it’s rather peaceful today so I thought I’d give it a chance and dip out here for a little while before you came home again,” he glanced at him through his lashes and sighed heavily, reaching out a dainty hand to him. “It’s alright, you can come here...”

Stephen wasn't sure at first till he reached with his shaking hand to Tony's. "If you're sure then" the sorcerer swam closer as he kept hold of the mechanic's hand. "It is rather peaceful out here in the water" Strange was now in front of the brunette, already slipping his hand away from Anthony's just in case. 

But Tony grabbed his hand and pulled him closer through the water, resting his head against his chest and closed his eyes, listening to his heart beating. It felt so relaxing now, without putting in any extra effort, and he felt so at peace in this moment. “It is peaceful out here...” he whispered, leaving the softness of his skin against his cheek. “Much better with you here though...”

Stephen felt himself relax with Tony leaning on his chest. He wrapped his arms around the brunette's waist. "I feel at home whenever I'm with you...I feel special and warm with you..." Strange stoked Anthony's hair. "So loved and cared for...the same as I feel for you..." The sorcerer kissed the top of the mechanic's head. "And I will always love you..." 

Tony smiled more freely now, feeling like it was okay to be happy in this moment and he nuzzled him softly, leaning up to give him a precious kiss, soft and lingering against his lips. Tony wished that they could stay like this forever, and that it wouldn’t be such a struggle to relax and love him. “I’ll always love you too...” he whispered.

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