Tony was troubled. He had heard that many of the mutants who lived in the area were basically evacuating, so he had convinced Stephen to go away to the beach house for a while. Currently they were laying together on a soft plaid blanket, overlooking the ocean on one of the cliff sides. "Our plans have to be postponed because of this..."
"Don't worry Anthony.." Stephen snuggled close to the mechanic. "It'll blow over eventually...besides we have the rest of our lives to plan. Not that I'm saying that we should wait forever just that as long as we're still together it'll come up.."
Tony smiled and rolled onto his stomach, his lips hovering above Stephen's for a moment, then he turned away to pick a handful of daisies and come back over to hover above him in a teasing way, placing each one delicately in his fiance's dark curls. "I wish I could be as pretty as you..."
"Me?" Stephen laughed a bit. "I'm nowhere near as beautiful as you Anthony.." Strange caressed Tony's cheek with his shaking scarred hand. "Of all the beings in the universe you're the most beautiful one I've ever seen.." the sorcerer leaned up and pecked the mechanics lips.
"Oh you...." Tony felt flustered again as he placed more daisies on his hair, acting like some sort of crown, or a halo for this angel of a man. "I can't believe I used to hate you... I always thought of you as a dick of a person, but it turns out that was just all me..." he sighed heavily, still feeling guilty for acting like such a jerk towards him. Never one day of their relationship had he felt deserving of this man...
"Well I didn't like you a little bit either but I figured your attitude must've come from something personal so I just knew I should try to understand you more.." Stephen wrapped his arms around Tony and held him close. "The world hasn't been kind to you at times and I get that it can change a person but with me I wouldn't ever cause you to feel so low.."
Tony giggled and booped the tip of his nose playfully, then caressed his skin and grinned at him as if the topic of this discussion wasn't depressing at all. "Gosh, all those times you literally saved my life, I couldn't imagine what I've put you through... say, has anyone ever told you how great daisies compliment your eyes?" He was obviously trying to change subjects/
"Hmm I never really thought any type of flower would be nice on me.." Stephen reached to hold Tony's hand. "Also you didn't put me through much, gotta break down some walls to get to the center of a person's core. It can be hard, difficult, very challenging but it's worth the struggle just to get to that very center and fill it with so much care and love. Reminding them that no matter what there will always be someone there, by their side. Forever and always.." Strange looked Tony in his Bambi eyes when he finished.
Tony felt slightly breathless now as he gazed back into Stephen's eyes, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He really wasn't even close to deserving someone as wonderful and amazing as Stephen was to him... "You speak like you have some experience," he tried to tease, but he was all flustered again and his voice shook. Was he always going to act like a teenage girl around him?? He always thought of himself as a sensitive person, and if anyone said the wrong thing to him it could end up bad on both ends...
"I love you Anthony, and you can put me through hell if you wanted and I'd be here" Stephen cupped Tony's cheek and brought him to a passionate kiss. Eventually parting from it a bit and caressing the mechanic's cheek. "I will do all I can to make you happy whenever you're blue or red...make you a nice pink and compliment it with lavender flowers...and of course the red from my love to which will always be yours.."
Tony bit his lip, feeling so in love with this handsome, flattering man he just so happened to land as his future husband and love of his life; he could consider his Stephen his very own soulmate, but decided that defining statement might scare him off. "You know..." he slyly walked his fingers up his chest and gave him an alluring smile, feeling his heart pounding. "I think our bed here's a little stuff from all the time we've been working at the tower..." From the expression on Stephen's face, he obviously didn't remember being a florist. "Maybe you could help me fix it?..."

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...