Tony began to reach into his pocket and pulled out a small white box and held it up. "I just hope you like yours, it's surprising how many expensive rings there are to choose from," he chuckled.
Stephen smiled and gently took the box, opening it and gasping at how beautiful the rings are. "You know...I never thought I would ever get married...Now that it's going to happen I.." he sniffled. "Oh I feel so happy Anthony.."
Tony smiled and took the rings from the box, slipping the diamond one onto Stephen's finger, then the other onto his and he smiled brightly, gazing at them for a moment. "I feel so happy too, Stephy... do you like yours?..."
"I love it..." Stephen faced Tony and kissed him on the lips. "Just as much as I love you.."
The mechanic smiled brightly, feeling like the happiest person alive.
Tony was working in the lab while Stephen was off in his "magicalness" doing whatever the heck he does for his job. Tony had taken off his ring to keep it safe and used protective gloves as he works with blowtorches and whatnot. But when a spark accidentally flew under his mask and burned his cheek, he jumped back and hit the counter accidentally, knocking the ring off and it bounced to the ground, rolling away.
"Shit! Nonononono!" Tony cried as he stumbled after it, but he JUST missed it as it clattered down a vent and out of sight. He was frozen, just gaping at it in disbelief and he panicked, hoping he could find it before Stephen came back. "JARVIS! Help me find that ring!!"
I am scanning it's location as we speak, sir.
Jarvis did some computer noises and hasn't responded for five minutes which felt like too long to the mechanic.
It seems I've... temporarily lost its whereabouts sir.
Tony cursed and threw off all the protective equipment he was wearing, bounding over to the console to manually search the vents of the tower. Nothing showed up, so he assumed it was either the vibranium he had specially requested it made out of was messing with the sensors, or it was just too small to locate in such a big tower.
He was on the middle level, so it had to have gone down aways. He threw on a suit of armor and zoomed out the window to scan the ventilation from the outside. "See anything NOW??"
Hmm...not quite sir-
The A.I. was then interrupted by Stephen's face showing up on screen, he was calling the mechanic. The sorcerer was already in the lab but he didn't see Tony so he thought calling was best. When the genius hesitantly answered Stephen spoke. "Anthony where are you? I'm here in your lab but you're not here"
Tony stuttered for a moment, feeling his heart drop. "O-Oh, sorry honey I was just uh, taking a little fly to clear my head... I've been kinda cooped up in the lab all day so I thought I'd just get some fresh air before seeing you tonight..." he swallowed, feeling tears prick his eyes, guilt inside him for losing something so precious.
How would Stephen still love him after losing it so carelessly! He might think Tony didn't care at all! "I-I have to go, bye." He hung up and desperately hovered his suit in front of the opening of a vent and crawled out of the suit to fit his body into it and crawl inside, frantically trying to find his ring through the vents.
"But-" Stephen heard the click and frowned a bit. "where could he have flown off to now?" The sorcerer lifted his head up slightly. "Jarvis, I want to know where Anthony is right now," he said sternly.
I'm afraid I can't tell you Doctor Strange.
Strange crossed his arms. "Fine then"
Tony crawled around through the vents for a while, with no luck, and a couple tears fell from his eyes as he stopped to rest. He crouched down in the vents and hugged himself, feeling like such a terrible person for losing his ring. Suddenly the vent door he was on caved and he fell with a yelp of shock, landing right into Stephen's arms. "Oh! Stephen, I-I..."
"Oh there you are Anthony!" Stephen smiled brightly as he kissed Tony's cheek and then placed the mechanic down gently. "Why were you in the vents for?"
"Oh... uh..." Tony tried to think of a good enough excuse, but lying to Stephen's face would only make it hurt more, and so he burst into tears of guilt and anger at himself. "I-I lost my ring!" he bawled uncontrollably now. "I-I'm so sorry!!"
"You what..?" Stephen frowned slightly. They had barely gotten those rings, and now Tony lost his? "Oh don't cry Anthony.." Strange went closer to his fiance and held him. "It's okay..." He rubbed the mechanics back. "How did you lose it...?"
Tony cried into his shoulder, and he shook as he managed to sob out some coherent words. "I-I was working and I a-accidentally bumped into the t-t-table and it f-fell into the v-vents!" He held onto his fiancé like his life depended on it. "I-I should've been more careful..."
"Oh no Anthony.." Stephen stroked his hair as he held the mechanic. "Don't cry please, it was only an accident....don't be so hard on yourself.." he kissed the top of the brunette's head.
"B-But it's all my fault, a-and now I d-don't have a ring t-to show you how much I l-love you..." Tony gazed up at him with sad Bambi eyes.
Stephen smiled softly at the mechanic as he wiped the brunette's tears away. "I already know you love me so much, a ring may show it but that's just a material. You show me already that you love me by being the sweetest you can. Just by taking care of my heart and giving me your love is just enough for me to know..." He kissed Tony's forehead. "I'll always love you Anthony Edward Stark.."
Tony blushed slightly and felt more relief to hear that. He smiled shakily and felt a little silly for getting so worked up over something stupid ring; of course Stephen didn't need a ring to tell him that Tony loved him. He just needed the man himself, and he would always be with him, no matter what. "T-Thank you..." he whispered shakily and rested against his shoulder, feeling a little tired from all the stress, and of course work.
"C'mon...I think you could use some rest.." Stephen smiled softly and carried Tony in his arms to the bedroom. He gently laid the mechanic on the bed and laid next to him. "My heart will always belong to you Anthony.." Strange whispered as he pulled the genius close and kissed his forehead.
Tony just snuggled close to him and felt his hand glide down his left arm, stroking it softly before he felt soft lips pressed to his palm, and onto his finger where the ring had once been. "Oh Stephen..." Tony was close to speechless and he blushed a little more. "I'll keep it in my hands forever and ever..."

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...