Love and Worries

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Tony was sitting at the counter, feeling miserable as usual as he tinkered with his helmet, trying to fix it up right. He knew that Stephen was gone again and he didn’t expect him to come home, so he sighed heavily, wishing for company and a distraction from his suffering.

Stephen was happily floating by a farmers market that was very far from the beach house but that wasn't a problem for him since having portals. He wanted to surprise Tony by having done grocery shopping and having gotten a gift too. There weren't big problem's going on so the sorcerer wasn't needed at the moment. Strange didn't mind, that just meant more time with his precious Anthony.

Tony stopped messing with the helmet, feeling too down to do much, so he slipped it off the counter and let it crash to the ground, feeling a sort of pleasure when the side cracked. Wait- why was it a good thing? Was he turning again? He ran into the bedroom and performed the plan he had made up for if it ever happened which was tying himself to a chair. Which he did, and he sat back comfortably with a sigh, feeling much better now that he couldn’t do anything.

Stephen portaled to the kitchen as he hummed happily, setting down the food and being even more careful with Tony's gift. It was interesting to Strange so he thought he'd get it. A beautiful red rose in a glass dome filled with water inside. He may or may not have added some magic to make it sparkle and glow. "Anthony I'm-ow" Strange muttered, he looked down and noticed his foot had met the mechanics helmet. He picked it up and noticed the crack. "Oh my....Anthony where are you?" The sorcerer called out as he placed the helmet on the counter and walked out of the kitchen.

“I’m in the bedroom, Stephen- no you shouldn’t come in!-“ He began but it was too late and Stephen opened the door to see his boyfriend tied up on a chair, looking at him with a fearful expression. “I-It’s alright, just don’t untie me and the rest of the world will be safe... think of it like a Jean Grey situation... you know, what happened with Dark Phoenix and all... except you’re Scott in the situation...” He sighed heavily and couldn't help but feel a little silly now. “I’m stupid, aren’t I?...”

Stephen sighed softly. "You're not stupid Anthony.." the sorcerer floated over to his boyfriend. "What made you think you were going to change? Did something happen while I was away?" He asked in a worried tone. Maybe he shouldn't take too long whenever he goes. Strange didn't want Tony to get hurt again.

“Yes- I mean no- I mean, I don’t really know...” Tony looked away, feeling really dumb for letting one little feeling go to his head like that. “I dropped my helmet, but for some reason, it felt good... I don’t know why for any reason that would make sense, but I definitely shouldn’t have felt that way... maybe I’ve just been away from you for too long or something...”

That made Stephens' thoughts feel more right, he shouldn't have been gone for so long. "I'm so sorry Anthony, I didn't mean to take too long.." the sorcerer got closer to Tony and leaned so his lips could meet the top of the mechanic's head. "I won't be away for too long anymore, and I won't go too much either. I'll be right here for you.." he placed his hand on the brunette's cheek. "Now let me get you out of this"

“No, Stephen...” Tony started as Stephen magicked the ropes loose and let them drop to the floor around the chair. “I don’t want to be such a bothersome boyfriend... you’ve got your own life and I wouldn’t want to have to take up so much of... that...” His voice trailed off as Stephen became closer to him, and he gazed up at him with his Bambi eyes. “I don’t mind you being late...” he breathed.  

"But I hate being late, what boyfriend am I if I'm not even there for you..." Stephen reached to hold Tony's hand. "I have to do my part in our relationship to show that you matter most more than anything, and you do matter more.." Strange kissed the brunette's forehead. "And I love you very much.."

Tony sighed shakily and rested his head against his chest, just as he did in the ocean days ago. He closed his eyes and listened to his even heartbeat, feeling much more calm and in control of his own emotions. “I know you do...” he whispered and slipped his arms around his waist loosely, pulling him closer and held onto him. “Let’s just be together tonight... I just want you to love me and relax with me... leave all the crazy stuff for tomorrow...”

"Anything for you my love.." Stephen whispered and kissed the mechanic's cheek. "I'll show you your gift tomorrow then" Strange smiled sweetly and held Tony close, rubbing his arm to relax the Brunette.

Tony smiled slightly and buried his face into his shoulder, loving this man with all of his fragile heart. “Okay, I’d like that...” he mumbled and stroked through his hair softly. “Just promise to stay with me a little while...”

"I promise Anthony..." Stephen nuzzled close to the mechanic. "As long as you'd like..." He smiled softly and soon relaxed while holding his boyfriend.

Tony gave a few soft kisses to his lips, Something rather rare these days considering how often he used to do it, but he was calm and happy enough to do it without holding back, feeling like it was the least he could do for troubling his boyfriend so much. “Thank you, Stephy...” 

"Of course my dear Anthony.." Stephen moved his arms and lifted Tony, carrying him gently to the bed. Strange laid the mechanic down softly and kissed his forehead. "Now rest your head..." The sorcerer got on the bed and laid down next to his boyfriend, pulling him close. 

Tony felt the sweet moment and caressed his cheek, tracing down his sharp jawline softly and cupped his cheek gently. “I hope I dream of you...” he whispered, feeling drowsy from all the stress he’s been having to cope with alone, letting his hand slide back down to Strange’s shoulder as he closed his eyes lightly and drifted off into a relieving peaceful sleep.

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