Stephen was floating around in the kitchen. He was making some tea to help calm his boyfriend. Strange wants Tony to remember that he'll always be there for him and take care of him. He was about to pour some but his hand decided to shake more than usual and dropped the kettle. Hot water spilled on his hand and the mug dropped and hit the floor. "Ah!" He shouted as the pain started to increase. The sorcerer hoped that the brunette just wouldn't be mad for his clumsiness
Tony heard his yelp of pain and bounded out of their bedroom to investigate. "Stephen, are you- oh my! You got burned!" He ran over to him and took his hand gently, flicking on the tap and running cold water over it to help soothe the pain. "You should be more careful Stephy, you could really get hurt..." He took it out from under the water and looked at it. It was blotchy and red and he looked up to him. "I'll go get some pain meds and a bandage, you just wait here okay?"
Stephen nodded as he hissed, still feeling the slight pain from the burn. He was glad Tony didn't get mad at home though. "Just please hurry" Strange wished he didn't let this happen, it was supposed to go smoothly but these damn hands had to ruin that!
Tony came back and treated the wound, giving his hand a soft kiss afterwards and looked up at him. "Are you okay? That was sure a nasty burn..." He looked at the mess that had been left behind and frowned slightly. "That's a lot of tea to be making for yourself..."
Stephen looked down slightly. "I was making some for you too..." He mumbled as he tried to ignore the leftover paint he was feeling. "I wanted to make you tea so you could relax and feel well..." Strange sighed. "I just made a mess of things all because of my stupid hands.."
Tony glanced down at them and sighed heavily, taking his hands in his own. “Oh... well, don’t worry I can clean it up and-... and there’s something I’ve been meaning to try...” he went to their room and came back with white silky gloves, handing them out to Stephen. “They will change color so that it blends with your hands, like a chameleon kinda... they’re just a prototype but I think it will help stabilize your hands...”
Stephen gasped lowly and gently took the gloves. "You made these...for me..?" He looked at Tony with an astonished expression. Taken aback at what the mechanic had done for him. "Oh Anthony i-i don't know what to say..." Strange slowly put on the gloves. They fit like, well, like a glove!
Tony blushed slightly as they turned on and switched to look exactly like Stephen's hands, as if he didn't have anything on his hands at all. "Don't say anything, then," Tony smiled softly, feeling nervous though. It was the least he could do for everything he's put poor Stephen through. "How do they feel? Do they work at all..."
Stephen formed a smile on his lips as he wiggled his fingers. "I-i don't feel the pain..." He reached to hold Tony's hand. "Th-they're not shaking....I feel like I have complete control..." Strange felt tears fall from his eyes. "This is ....I..." The sorcerer put his arms around the mechanic and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much Anthony..." He kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "You're so sweet to me..."
Tony smiled, relieved that his attempt at amending things had been a success, and he held him back tightly. "Oh Stephen I'm so happy for you! I think that those have been long overdue..." He cupped his cheek and caressed it softly, gazing up at his boyfriend with his bambi eyes. He had been getting a little better lately, recovering from his snap a little time ago. "You were perfect to me long before I fixed your hands, though..."
"You're so wonderful Anthony..." Stephen leaned and kissed Tony's forehead. "You truly are the man for kind and thoughtful..." He looked back at the mechanic's sweet eyes and smiled softly. "I love you so much..." Strange held both of the brunette's hands.
Tony gave him soft kisses, becoming to feel more comfortable with physicality and wrapped his arms around the sorcerer's neck, nuzzling the tip of his nose with his own and giggled softly. "I love you too, Stephy... you are the most faultless man I know..."

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...