Tragedy begins

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Many lives were either taken away or have safely evacuated. Tony Stark had an inquiry at Hydra and partnered with them.

Somewhere not too far from the growing disaster in New York lived Scott and Steve. Some time ago the blonde had been stripped away from the serum and became small again then later admitting he felt comfortable in dresses. For the Ant Hero the smaller male was still the man he loves so of course they stayed together.

Now Steve was startled by the sudden commotion he was hearing from a distance. He hurried up the stairs, his longish dress flowing by the fact that he was practically running now. "Scott! Scott there's something happening!" 

Scott was having a tea party with Cassie, since it was his week with her and they were both startled when he burst into the room. Steve's change didn't shock Cassie much, but she was definitely nicer to him now. "What's wrong Stevie? OH did the pizza come yet? It's been like 45 minutes-"

"Something horrible is happening Scott, I think-" Steve was interrupted by the sound of an explosion from a distance. He looked at Scott with a horrified look. "We need to leave!" 

Scott jumped up and grabbed a terrified yet confused Cassie and rushed down the stairs, pulling Steve along with them as another explosion was heard, this time dangerously close. He threw them both in the car and started driving to a safer place when suddenly an explosion happened right next to them and hurled the car sideways. When Lang woke up again, he found Steve, thankfully not too hurt, but Cassie was gone. "W-Where's my baby?!" Scott looked around wildly for her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Steve looked around wide eyes and shuffled around to get out the car. "We have to look for her!" Inside the blonde was scared about what was happening but he couldn't let fear get in the way of looking for the little girl. He successfully got out and quickly helped Scott out of the car. Then looking around again carefully.

Little did they know that she had woken up before them both and ran further into the city to get help. Hoards of terrified civilians stampeded past her and she called for them to come help but they seemed to be too scared to notice. When she looked ahead again, she could see why they were all running. Iron Man descended slowly onto the ground and looked at her. She looked back, unafraid. He knelt down at her level and cocked his head to the side slightly. "Are you lost, little one?" She gazed at him and shook her head. "My daddys got in a car crash, can't you help me Iron Man?..." Tony chuckled and decided to spare such an innocent life lifting her into his arms. "I think I can." He then flew back up to the tower which was their primary location, with Hydra agents swarming there.

Steve was in full on panic along with scott. "What if she went to the city!?" It was way too dangerous now for a child. Why was all this madness happening!?

Scott felt like he could cry, all this fatherly panic was sickening! "Okay okay okay... we can't panic, we can't panic... she may have tried to get help, so she couldn't have gotten TOO far..."

Steve took Scott's hand in his and looked at the brunette with determination. "Let's go then, if we don't stop looking then I'm sure we'll find her soon.." he pulled the ant hero as they hurried into the big city, to find a little girl they cherish so much.

Tony landed softly on the launch pad that was teeming with Hydra agents, and carried Cassie through the doors. "Who are all these people, and why are they making the city so dangerous?..." Cassie asked as she held onto him Tony ignored her question and sat her down on a chair, deep inside the tower now. He looked at her for a moment, then picked a grape from a nearby decorative fruit plate and held it up to her. "You know what this is, little one?"

Cassie frowned. "A grape?"

Tony nodded. "very good. Now watch closely-" he then pounded the fruit with his fist and let it fall to the ground, making the girl jump. "This is what society does to someone. What the world did to me. They hurt you, you hurt 'em back."

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